“Cultivating an Inclusive and Sustainable Future” Panel Discussion Brings Industry Leaders Together, Joining Forces to Promote Equality for Vulnerable Children and Girls
To promote Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues and foster sustainable development, Plan International Hong Kong hosted the “Cultivating an Inclusive and Sustainable Future” Corporate Partner Awards Ceremony and Panel Discussion on September 27, 2024. Industry experts shared invaluable insights on the crucial role of corporates in addressing the climate crisis through ESG initiatives and empowering women, gathering nearly 70 delegates from corporates and foundations.
The event also featured an awards ceremony aimed at recognising the contributions of corporate and foundation partners in promoting the rights of children and girls. Ms. Sylvene Fong, a distinguished member of our Board of Directors, officiated the event with an inspiring opening speech, and together with Dr. Kanie Siu, our Chief Executive Officer, presented awards to 27 corporates and foundations.
Industry Experts Gather to Seek Pathways for A Sustainable Future
Industry experts, outstanding entrepreneurs, and women leaders engaged in the panel discussions to share their professional experiences on two key topics: ” The Role of ESG in Mitigating Climate Crisis” and “Empowering Women: Unlocking Their Potential.” The discussions delved into the critical role of corporates in promoting sustainable development and gender equality.
Dr. Kanie Siu, our Chief Executive Officer, emphasized that girls and children in developing countries are the most vulnerable during the climate crisis, facing higher risks and greater burdens that further exacerbate gender injustice. She continued that Plan International is implementing various projects to provide immediate and long-term assistance to vulnerable communities in building resilience to climate change while also striving to empower girls with knowledge, enabling them to be free from threats such as child marriage and sexual violence and to lead fulfilling lives.
Through the experts’ sharing, participants gained a deeper understanding of how to develop more specific strategies and guidelines for addressing the climate crisis and promoting gender equality. We hope that this will further encourage collaboration within the industry to jointly foster sustainable development and equality, creating a better world for children and girls.
Thanks to Corporates and Foundations’ Generous Contributions
To show gratitude for our corporate and foundation partners’ long-term support in advancing children’s and girls’ rights together, a series of awards were presented including: “Diamond Partner,” “Annual Platinum Partner,” ” Platinum Partner,” ” Gold Partner,” and “Partner.”
This year marks the 15th anniversary of Plan International’s reopening of its Hong Kong office. During her speech, Ms. Sylvene Fong, our board member, expressed our sincere gratitude for the generous support from corporate and foundation partners, which has enabled us to carry out different projects globally and locally and provide comprehensive and ample assistance to help children and girls in need overcome various challenges. She hopes to collaborate with more like-minded corporate partners in the future, supporting more children to thrive and rewrite their destinies through knowledge.
List of Awardees
To celebrate the remarkable event, an advertorial was published on 5 November 2024 in the Hong Kong Economic Journal.