2022 Menstruation Friendly Movement

Thank you for your support.

1. 禮品將於二至四星期內以郵寄方式發送至符合資格之參加者之電郵或郵寄地址。
2. 禮品數量有限,送完即止。
3. 禮品均不得更換或兌換現金。
4. 禮品只限送往香港地址,所有香港以外地區恕不接受,亦不會為香港地址以外之申請者提供寄送服務。
5. 所有郵寄風險(包括郵寄導致延誤、損毀、遺失或意外盜竊等),本會一概恕不負責。
6. 國際培幼會(香港)並非獎品之供應商,不會就獎品所引起的任何索償承擔任何責任。
7. 國際培幼會(香港)有權修訂、更改、暫停、終止是次活動及是次活動的條款及細則,以及有關是次活動的各項安排,無需作出交代或通知。
8. 參加者必須遵守活動的條款及細則,如有任何爭議,國際培幼會(香港)保留最終決定權。
Terms and Condition
1. Gifts will be sent by email/ mail to eligible participants within two to four weeks.
2. Gifts are available while supplies last.
3. Gifts cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash.
4. Gifts can only be delivered to addresses in Hong Kong. All applications from outside Hong Kong will not be accepted and no delivery service will be offered to addresses outside Hong Kong.
5. Plan International Hong Kong shall not be liable for any delay, damage, loss or accidental theft of whatsoever nature arising from postage.
6. Plan International Hong Kong is not the supplier of the gift and shall not be responsible for any matters related to the product quality.
7. Plan International Hong Kong reserves the right to amend, modify, suspend or terminate this activity and the terms and conditions of the above offers without prior notice.
8. Participants must abide by the terms and conditions of the activity and in case of any dispute arisen, Plan International reserves the rights to make the final decision.