Thank you for supporting Plan International’s work! As our website is currently under maintenance, if you would like to participate in our monthly donation programmes, including Child Sponsorship Programme, Sponsor a Girl, “Kids Sponsor Kids” Child Sponsorship, Girls Fund Monthly Donation or “Plan with Children” Monthly Donation, please download the monthly donation form, proceed to payment via credit card (VISA/MASTER) or Bank Transfer, and send us your completed donation form by email, mail or fax. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
*If you are already a donor of Plan International and you would like to sponsor one or more child(ren), you are welcome to call our Supporter Services Department directly on 3405-5305.
Child Sponsorship
Monthly Donation
Plan International Hong Kong
For enquiries, please call or send an email to our Supporter Services Department. Thank you again for supporting Plan International!
Plan International Hong Kong