July 2021【Fled and what’s next? The Story of Venezuelan Refugee Girls That Media Failed to Tell You】

  “Venezuelans Flee Violence”, “What’s Going on in Venezuela?”, “Venezuelan Exodus Reaches Record Level”… Newspaper headlines wrote. The refugee crisis of Venezuela shouldn’t sound strange to us, yet, most media only focus on how the Venezuelans flee their homes and got rejected by their neighbouring countries. Do you know how their lives are upon arrival?...
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Girls Fund 2021 Donor Survey

Thank you for supporting Girls Fund! In order to enhance our communications with you, we would like to invite you to fill in the questionnaire below for us to better understand your preference. The whole survey will take around 5 minutes to complete. All data collected will be kept confidential and only be used within...
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Plan International Hong Kong ‘Be a Change-maker 2021/22’

Support young people to be change-makers with global awareness and the power to catalyse positive social change in their communities through experiential activities, training workshops, overseas exposure trip, and community seed project! Apply NOW! Extended Application Deadline: 25 Jun 2021 (Fri) Introduction Plan International strives for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality...
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Over 160 Sports Professionals Participated in a Virtual Sharing Forum on “How to Enhance Corporate Governance of the Sports Sector through Child Safeguarding”

Plan International Hong Kong always believes that to maximise the impacts of child safeguarding work, we need to do it step by step and more importantly, to do it with the collaborative power of different sectors. In recent years, cases of child abuse happened frequently in the sports sector. There is great concern about whether...
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