Results of The 2nd “Draw my Dreams” Drawing Competition

第二屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽已圓滿結束。比賽共收到逾七百五十份參賽作品,反應踴躍。我們衷心感謝各參賽者及學校的支持。 The 2nd “Draw my Dreams” Drawing Competition was held successfully. We received an overwhelming response with more than 750 artworks. We would like to express our gratitude to all participating students and schools for their support.   得獎名單: Award Winners:   親子組 Parent Child Group 港島區 Hong Kong District 獎項 Award 得獎者 Awardee  ...
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First Girls Takeover in Hong Kong Held with Success – Three University Girls Spoke for Female’s Online Freedom

To celebrate the International Day of the Girl on 11 October, Plan International has organised more than 5,200 Girls Takeover campaigns globally since 2016.  By occupying spaces where girls and young women are rarely seen or heard, they demand actions and solutions to ensure all girls can learn, lead, decide and thrive. This year, Plan...
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Psychosocial support for children in adversities

The recent social event and the Covid-19 pandemic have had different levels of impact on adults’ and children’s psychosocial well-being. Plan International Hong Kong is actively propelling the child safeguarding work in Hong Kong and is concerned with the assistance to local children and families who encounter problems amidst challenges and changes in life. We...
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October 2020【Is It Really Safe Here?】

Almost 60% of Girls Experienced Online Harassment Girls Demand Immediate Action Let’s take a quiz! Are you a female? Yes (10 Points) No (0 Point) Are you young? Yes (10 Points) No (0 Point) Have you ever expressed your opinion online? Yes (10 Points) No (0 Point) Do you have any disability? Yes (10 Points)...
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COVID-19 Triggered Girls’ Rights Crisis, Relief Programmes Adjusted to the Pandemic’s ‘New Normal’ in Vietnam, Indonesia and Nepal

Written by Dr Kanie Siu, CEO of Plan International COVID-19 rages across the globe and has claimed so many precious lives. At the same time, unprecedented challenges emerged and put children and families in the developing countries particularly in a desperate position. While we focus on the anti-pandemic fight, the danger is stealthily approaching and...
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Empower Girls to Protect their Communities

Since 2016, Plan International Hong Kong has been supported by Prudence Foundation to run the Safe School programme in Cambodia, Philippines and Thailand. The programme helps build students’ capacity and resilience to cope with disasters. Danica, a 16-year-old girl from the Philippines, Sella, a 14-year-old girl from Cambodia, and View, an 8th-grade girl from Thailand,...
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Donate A Pencil – Help children fight COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been ravaging the world and affecting all countries. Cultural and resources allocation issues have put children in developing countries and their families in an even more difficult situation to deal with unexpected changes. Given the fragile medical systems, persistent poverty, as well as the lack of antiviral equipment and knowledge in...
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