Run for Girls’ Rights 2020

Join Us and Help Girls Run Towards a Better Future! Run for Girls is a charity run co-organised by Plan International Hong Kong and Cosmopolitan with the aim of fighting for and promoting girls’ rights and justice, as well as protecting girls in developing countries from discrimination, inequality and violence. Part of the proceeds this...
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Child marriage from another perspective

Child marriage is a common but complex issue. Most of us may think that the lack of education opportunities and unreasonable traditions are the root causes of the issue. This time, we will look at it from the perspective of household manpower and uxorilocality. In Ratanakiri, a remote area of Cambodia, 59% of children get...
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Psychosocial support: Seminar and workshop on facilitating psychosocial wellbeing of children

Plan International has experiences in handling children’s psychological distress in many conflict areas and the Hong Kong office has been proactively organising a seminar and workshop regarding the recent social incident. Child protection experts from other Plan International offices are invited to share their experiences in how to deal with children’s psychological distress under conflicts...
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A Tradition That Causes Pain

“‘A girl who hasn’t been cut won’t get a husband.’ That’s what people used to say,” assured Fatoumata, a 55-year-old grandmother. In a lot of countries, female genital mutilation (FGM/ cutting) is still commonly adopted, claiming that it can ensure the purity and virginity of girls before marriage. Mali is one of the countries. According...
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Menstruation tortures underprivileged girls

A 14-year-old Kenyan girl committed suicide last month because of “period shaming” as her teacher scolded her and asked her to leave the classroom after the girl stained her uniform with menstrual blood. There are girls all over the world who are facing menstrual issues every day. In Hong Kong, many girls have had the...
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