Plan International Hong Kong Youth eNews (November 2018)

Education News Plan International Hong Kong ‘Be a Change-maker 2019’ Activity Highlights – Training Workshops The first two workshops of ‘Be a Change-maker 2019’ were held on 3rd and 4th November. Through interactive games and activities, participants learnt about issues faced by children in Hong Kong and around the world. The ‘change-makers-to-be’ also developed communication...
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International and Local Experts Deliberate on International Best Practices on Safeguarding Children’s Best Interests: Enhancing Outcomes by Incorporating a Child Rights Impact Assessment Framework in Hong Kong

Plan International Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL, Faculty of Law) jointly organised an international conference on ‘Safeguarding Children’s Best Interests: Translating policies into local practices —combating violence against children’ on 8 September 2018 at the University of Hong Kong. Given the establishment of Hong Kong’s...
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