Our commitment to stamp out abuse and exploitation

Sexual abuse and exploitation has no place in our world, and certainly not among those who serve the most vulnerable. At Plan International, our purpose is to improve the lives of others. As a child rights organisation, protection of the children and young people who we serve is our foremost priority – nothing trumps this....
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Empowering Women to Achieve Gender Equality

International Women’s Day on the 8th of March marks the celebration of women’s rights and their achievement. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015 clearly states the roadmap for achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls.

Haiti Hurricane: One Year On

On 4th Oct 2016, a category 4 Hurricane Matthew caused catastrophic damage in Haiti. Over 500 people died and some 2.1 million people were affected, including 560,000 children. Grand’Anse was one of the most affected regions in Haiti. 90 per cent of homes were damaged or destroyed, leaving people homeless. Plan International Hong Kong allocated...
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Sponsor Visit to Ningxia, China Opens for Application

Ningxia is located in the upstream area of Yellow River in western China, covering an area of approximately 66,000km2. Plan International China started its work in Longde Province, county of Ningxia since November 2007 and has launched various children-centred programmes on health, education, water and environmental sanitation.