Help Children Go to School This Christmas

With an efficient and convenient transport system in Hong Kong, it is easy for students to opt for different modes of transport to go to school. However, children living in mountainous regions may have to take risky and unimaginable routes in order to receive the education that some of us may take for granted.

End Violence Against Women

It is estimated that about 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced sexual or physical violence in their lifetime, and most of them are being abused by their parents or partners! Violence against women is a violation of human rights and many girls lose their right to receive education, work and socialize. Faridah lives in...
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Child Brides: There’s No Choice

Kanie Siu, CEO of Plan International Hong Kong visited some child brides in Ha Giang, Vietnam in late August. There, 44% of girls have to quit school and marry early to survive. The motivation behind is the patriarchal mindset of perceiving women as inferior. Meanwhile, the community fails to recognize the importance of girls’ education....
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You Save Hungry Children

After Ms. Kanie Siu, our CEO’s visit to South Sudan in late May, we have been calling for donations to help hungry children and their families. I am so touched to see the active response from all of you in the past two months. With your support, Plan International Hong Kong has allocated HK$ 2.3 million (including...
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