NGOs call for greater public support in Hong Kong for East Africa Food Crisis response John Tsang, Alex Fong, Onyee Ng and Chong Chan Yau Experience ‘A Meal for Meals’

A food crisis is threatening many countries around the globe, especially in East Africa. In response, Hong Kong Red Cross, Oxfam Hong Kong, Plan International Hong Kong, Save the Children Hong Kong and The Amity Foundation issued a joint statement to arouse public concern in Hong Kong. Together, the aid agencies also launched the social...
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Youth eNews May 2017

CEO Message and Agency News Dear Youth Circle friends, In Hong Kong, we can choose what to eat; however, more than one million starving children are struggling to live in South Sudan. Because of continuing armed conflict and drought, South Sudan declared a famine status in Unity State. Though South Sudan is far away from...
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“Plan International Hong Kong Youth Conference” Invites Local Youth to Speak About Girls’ Rights

Millions of girls worldwide, with the majority of them living in developing countries, are often denied their basic human rights, including healthcare and education, and are exposed to risks like child marriage, early pregnancy and sexual violence. Each year, around 17.4 million girls are forced into early marriage, which equals to 1 in every 2...
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