Youth eNews Feb 2017

CEO Message and Agency News Dear Students, Living in Hong Kong, we enjoy the rights to health, security and physical integrity. However, at least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone a form of female genital mutilation (FGM). If current trends continue, 15 million additional girls between ages 15 and 19 will be...
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Plan International Chairman Receives Award for Sustained Efforts in Corporate Governance

Mr Andrew Weir, Board Chairman of Plan InternationalHong Kong, has been selected as an Awardee for Directors of the Year Awards 2016 in the category of Statutory/Non-profit-distributing Organisations Non-Executive Directors. He was awarded in recognition of his sustained efforts to achieve outstanding corporate governance and superb leadership skills in leading the development of the organisation....
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The Second “Plan International Youth Conference” Successfully Held 16 Teams from Seven Schools Discussed Girls’ Rights

The second “Plan International Youth Conference” was successfully held on 10 September at the University. 16 teams from seven local secondary schools participated in the conference. The second “Plan International Youth Conference”, jointly organised by Plan International Hong Kong and Department of Asian and International Studies of City University of Hong Kong, was successfully held...
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Haiti Hurricane Affects 2.1 Million People

The most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade, Hurricane Matthew, hit Haiti with 230 km/h winds on 4 October. The hurricane has caused over 540 deaths and 1.4 million people are still in need of humanitarian assistance, including 600,000 children. The hurricane has caused over 500 deaths and an estimated 2.1 million people have been...
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Plan International “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign” Opening Ceremony Dr Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, calls on the public to donate pencils

In response to the United Nations’ International Day of the Girl (11th October), Plan International Hong Kong organized the 4th “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign” again this year from 6th to 10th October, encouraging the public to purchase or donate new pencils to children in Cambodia. Date:     6th to...
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Because I am a Girl – Exposure Trip 2017

Do you have any plans for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday? If you are looking for something meaningful and rewarding, the ‘Because I am a Girl – Exposure trip 2017’ held by Plan International Hong Kong in late January, 2017 is just the right holiday activity for you.