Floods in China Affect Over 26 Million People

Because of the El Nino phenomenon, rains and strong winds battered down across 11 provinces of southern China in June, causing widespread floods, triggering landslides and debris flows. The flood caused several hundred deaths, and over 26.8 million people have been affected. More than 530 thousand houses have been damaged. Farmlands were flooded and infrastructures...
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Refugee Girls Face Multiple Risks

World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 every year to raise awareness of the difficulties facing refugees worldwide and  to drive collaborative forces to help them overcome these challenges. However, tragedies are still happening in the Mediterranean and numerous refugees lost their lives venturing in the sea. The heart breaking picture of a drowned...
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Child Labour: Life is Miserable

Living in prosperous, urban Hong Kong, the problem of child labour seems to be a distant issue, but the truth may shock us. The clothes we wear may be produced in the sweatshops in Southeast Asia; cocoa beans, an essential ingredient of the chocolate we eat, may be harvested by West African children under hazardous...
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The dream of being a nurse

Learning “Knowledge Changes Fate” from My Sponsor My foster parents (sponsors) were sixty American marines who worked in a battleship. They imprinted a motto, “Knowledge Changes Fate”, in my mind.

10 Key Steps to Transforming Children’s Lives in 2015

As the year draws to a close, Plan International would like to take a look back with you at 10 key steps towards creating lasting change for children in 2015.   Sustainable Development Goals reinforce child rights Plan International has worked to influence the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2011, ensuring they truly represent children’s...
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