Current Ebola Outbreak

The current Ebola outbreak, the most severe and complex in history, has killed 1,145 people [**WHO estimate as of 17 Aug] so far in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Seven other West African countries, including Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger, are on alert. There are also suspected cases under medical...
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Searching for foster parents for half a century

Vincent, a former Plan sponsored child who was helped by the organisation in the 1960s, had never thought he would fulfill his dream of paying a visit to Canada to meet his foster parents Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who sponsored him decades ago. However, his dream finally came true after 50 years!

Bonding with the home from afar

Through Plan International, I became the sponsored child of Mr. B. D. Baily of Canada. With his monthly donation of $45, I was able to continue my schooling, my family did not have to live on canned food and I was able to get adequate nutrition to grow up.

The life-changing HK$45

How much does HK$45 mean to you? Today it could probably just buy you a lunch. But that was 1/3 of my family income in 1960s. I had been receiving HK$45 monthly from someone that I had never met this generous person was my foster father, Mr. Robert Lyle Plunkett. Our acquaintance was through Plan.