- Financial prudence is our first and foremost priority (01/03/2013)
- 審慎理財乃我們的首要原則 (01/03/2013)
- 英皇珠寶連續四年愛心贊助國際培幼會「愛·女孩」活動 (21/10/2013)
- Main Sponsor, Emperor Watch & Jewellery calls for public’s support for Plan’s “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign” (21/10/2013)
- 「愛·女孩」「筆·生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動正式展開,請即行動把全新鉛筆捐贈予中國及加納女孩獻上最暖聖誕祝福 (22/10/2013)
- “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign” officially launched! Call for public to donate pencils to help underprivileged girls in China and Ghana (22/10/2013)
- “Donate a Pencil Campaign” makes a point about the challenges underprivileged girls face (22/01/2014)
- 培幼會「筆.生幸福」喚起各界關注貧困女孩面對的挑戰 (22/01/2014)
- Call for Community to Support Plan’s “Walk for Children” 2014 (10/02/2014)
- 香港人.心連心 攜手響應國際培幼會「培您童行」步行籌款2014 (10/02/2014)
- First-ever exhibition of works by 10-year-old art prodigy Muraco To in support “Because I am a Girl” campaign (11/02/2014)
- 十歲天才小畫家杜凱莉首辦個人畫展支持「愛.女孩」行動 (11/02/2014)
- Alex Fong and Stephy Tang put best foot forward for “Walk for Children” 2014 27th April at Kowloon West Waterfront Promenade (14/02/2014)
- 方力申及鄧麗欣鼎力支持「培您童行」步行籌款2014 (14/02/2014)
- Cindy Au, Leila Kong and their families fully support “Walk for Children” 2014 (20/02/2014)
- 歐倩怡及唐寧偕同家人呼籲大眾支持「培您童行」步行籌款2014 (20/02/2014)
- SUGARMAN designs limited edition T-shirt for “Walk for Children”2014 (26/02/2014)
- SUGARMAN限量版T-shirt將於「培您童行」隆重登場 (26/02/2014)
- Plan working around the clock to assist Typhoon Haiyan victims (03/03/2014)
- 國際培幼會致力救助「海燕」風災災民 (03/03/2014)
- 伸出改變之手,用愛心扭轉孩子命運! (05/03/2014)
- Love has the power to change a child’s future (05/03/2014)
- Alfred Cheung, Cindy Yeung and family fully committed to supporting Plan International’s “Walk for Children” 2014 (17/03/2014)
- 張堅庭、楊諾思及其家人一同支持「培您童行」步行籌款2014 (17/03/2014)
- Mrs. Christine Liao and Ms. Christine Ma-Lau encourage pupils to support “Walk for Children” 2014 (24/03/2014)
- 廖本懷夫人──毛妹太平紳士與劉馬露明女士鼓勵學生參與「培您童行」2014 (24/03/2014)
- Last Call to “Walk for Children” 2014! (27/03/2014)
- 「培您童行」步行籌款2014 最後召集! (27/03/2014)
- Counting down to 12 days before the Carnival event officially kicks-off at West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade! (15/04/2014)
- 「培您童行」步行籌款最後倒數12天 愛心嘉年華 樂在西九龍海濱長廊 (15/04/2014)
- The life-changing HK$45 (24/04/2014)
- $45的幫助 與夢想成真的傳奇 (24/04/2014)
- Path to future success of ethnic minority children in Ningxia paved with the missionary footsteps of Hong Kong walkers at Walk for Children (27/04/2014)
- 「培您童行」慈善行者肩負重任 為中國寧夏的孩子步出更光輝明天 (27/04/2014)
- The power of a popcorn machine (14/05/2014)
- 爆谷機改變命運 (14/05/2014)
- Bonding with the home from afar (15/05/2014)
- 遠方的親人,遠方的家 (15/05/2014)
- Searching for foster parents for half a century (20/05/2014)
- 恩情忘不了 尋父半世紀 (20/05/2014)
- 培幼會大使方力申、鄧麗欣、蘇玉華及唐寧的探訪兒童片段 (12/06/2014)
- Pass on the Love – Mooncake Charity Sale 2014 (16/07/2014)
- 國際培幼會 2014年「團圓.傳愛」月餅義賣活動 (16/07/2014)
- Urgent relief requires for Yunnan earthquake victims (08/08/2014)
- 為雲南地震災民提供緊急救援 (08/08/2014)
- Current Ebola Outbreak (20/08/2014)
- 伊波拉疫情最新消息 (20/08/2014)
- “Donate a Pencil Campaign” 2014 will be held in October (10/09/2014)
- 第二屆「愛.女孩」「筆.生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動將於十月舉行 (10/09/2014)
- 國際培幼會與Buspak呼籲各界發放「粉紅」愛心幫助貧困女孩 (25/09/2014)
- Plan and Buspak helping people “think pink” for underprivileged girls (25/09/2014)
- 國際培幼會前受助人暢聚慶祝「培幼之友」5周年 (02/10/2014)
- Former Plan beneficiaries gather for 5th annual “Friends of Plan” (02/10/2014)
- Because I am a Girl – "Donate a Pencil Campaign” Launched with BIAAG Ambassador Mrs Christine Ma-Lau and Special Guest Ms Gloria Yip (07/10/2014)
- 「愛.女孩」大使劉馬露明女士及嘉賓葉蘊儀小姐應邀出席「愛.女孩」「筆.生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動啟動禮 (07/10/2014)
- 英皇珠寶連續五年愛心贊助國際培幼會「愛.女孩」活動 (15/10/2014)
- Emperor Jewellery marks its fifth year as Main Sponsor for Plan’s “Because I am a Girl” campaign (16/10/2014)
- Plan BIAAG annual report 2013-14 (11/11/2014)
- 伊波拉疫情 ─ 幫助兒童、家庭及照顧他們的人士 (26/11/2014)
- Ebola outbreak - Help children, families and caregivers (26/11/2014)
- 成為助養者,讓孩子領會施比受更幸福! (05/12/2014)
- Become a Child Sponsor and spread some love to children in need (05/12/2014)
- Help Needed to Restore Communities Affected By Typhoon Hagupit (13/12/2014)
- 颱風「黑格比」吹襲菲律賓 (13/12/2014)
- The 2nd Donate a Pencil Campaign - Report of charity sales (07/01/2015)
- 第二屆「愛.女孩」「筆.生幸福」義賣籌款報告 (07/01/2015)
- 國際培幼會「愛.女孩」2013-14年度報告 (08/01/2015)
- Plan International Hong Kong Welcomes New CEO (21/01/2015)
- 國際培幼會(香港)歡迎新任總幹事 (21/01/2015)
- Join Plan International Hong Kong’s “Walk for Children” 2015 (02/02/2015)
- 攜手響應國際培幼會「培您童行」步行籌款2015 (02/02/2015)
- Wrap-up of the Second Because I am a Girl - Donate a Pencil campaign (04/03/2015)
- 第二屆「愛.女孩」「筆.生幸福」活動總結 (04/03/2015)
- Lisa Cheng, aka “Spider Girl”, puts her charity spirit into action (05/03/2015)
- 「蜘蛛女」鄭麗莎身體力行 展現傳愛精神 (05/03/2015)
- Plan “Pass on the Love to Our Children” Photo Competition (09/03/2015)
- 國際培幼會「傳愛全心.愛孩子」攝影比賽 (09/03/2015)
- Final call to the charity highlight on 12th April at the Peak (11/03/2015)
- 愛心行動 最後召集 4月12日齊為兒童邁步於山頂 (12/03/2015)
- The South Sudan Conflict Update (17/03/2015)
- 南蘇丹衝突 – 最新消息 (17/03/2015)
- Putting the Pieces of Life Together Again in the Philippines – With Your Help (17/03/2015)
- 伸出援手 – 幫助菲律賓災民重建正常生活 (17/03/2015)
- The Power of Empowerment: Plan International Hong Kong CEO visited to Plan children and youth projects in Indonesia (18/03/2015)
- 國際培幼會(香港)總幹事前往印尼了解培幼會兒童及青年項目 見證助人自助 (18/03/2015)
- 國際培幼會大使方力申、鄧麗欣及唐寧 越南崑嵩省貧困兒童探訪短片 (24/03/2015)
- Family Fun on the Peak at Plan’s Walk for Children 2015 (26/03/2015)
- 山頂暢聚家庭樂 「培您童行」步行籌款2015 (26/03/2015)
- Plan and Acetop Precious Metals walk together for children in need (27/03/2015)
- 培幼會與領峰貴金屬攜手幫助貧困兒童 (27/03/2015)
- Supporters united to stride for underprivileged children at “Walk for Children” 2015 (12/04/2015)
- 善心人士並肩前行 「培您童行」步行籌款2015 (12/04/2015)
- Appeals for public support to help children and vulnerable communities after Nepal earthquake (29/04/2015)
- 尼泊爾大地震 兒童和弱勢社區急需援助 (29/04/2015)
- 唐寧隨培幼會訪印尼故鄉 探訪童婚女孩 (26/05/2015)
- Plan International launches the inaugural “Youth Conference 2015 – JUSTICE: Because I am a Girl” (30/05/2015)
- 國際培幼會首辦「青年會議2015 ─ 愛.女孩.爭取公義」 (30/05/2015)
- 唐寧訪印尼 童婚見曙光 (15/06/2015)
- Leila Kong Visits Indonesia and Hope for an End to Child Marriage (15/06/2015)
- Walk for Children 2015 - Report of charity sales and on-site donation (08/07/2015)
- 培您童行2015 - 義賣籌款報告 (08/07/2015)
- 為救助另一個「她」 蕭美娟華麗轉會(信報訪問) (20/07/2015)
- Invitation to Join Plan’s Donors Gathering – “Because I am a Girl” Campaign (22/07/2015)
- 誠邀您出席捐助者聚會 - 「愛.女孩」行動 (22/07/2015)
- 緬甸及巴基斯坦水災 逾180萬人受災 (11/08/2015)
- Floods in Myanmar and Pakistan Affect Over 1.8 Million People (11/08/2015)
- Joint Call for Hong Kong Public Support and Concern for Syrian Humanitarian Catastrophe (14/09/2015)
- 聯合呼籲香港市民關注敘利亞人道災難 (14/09/2015)
- 全球童婚禍害深——東周刊訪問 (15/09/2015)
- “Because I am a Girl– Donate a Pencil Campaign” will be held in October (22/09/2015)
- 第三屆「愛.女孩」「筆.生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動十月舉行 (22/09/2015)
- Spread Love and Support Girls with Pencils (20/10/2015)
- 以筆傳愛 支持女童 (20/10/2015)
- The 3rd Donate a Pencil Campaign - Report of charity sales (26/10/2015)
- 第三屆「愛.女孩」鉛筆義賣籌款報告 (26/10/2015)
- 尼泊爾地震後六個月:震後餘生 重見希望 (26/10/2015)
- Six Months On: Bringing Hope to Those Survived Nepal Earthquake (26/10/2015)
- Innisfree Brings a “Green Christmas” to Children in Need (10/11/2015)
- Innisfree帶給貧困孩子一個「綠色聖誕」 (10/11/2015)
- 【哪一些我們未影】Facebook比賽 憑靚相贏Innisfree! (24/11/2015)
- 10 Key Steps to Transforming Children’s Lives in 2015 (31/12/2015)
- 培幼會2015年十大回顧 (31/12/2015)
- The dream of being a nurse (15/01/2016)
- 軍人助養造就白衣天使的夢 (15/01/2016)
- 「助養兒童計劃」捐款額由每月港幣220元調整至每月港幣240元 (15/01/2016)
- Child Sponsorship monthly donation adjusts from HK$220 to HK$240 (15/01/2016)
- 培幼會助悲慘童工上學讀書 (星島日報訪問) (12/04/2016)
- 國際培幼會青年會議2016——「愛·女孩 · 爭取公義」接受報名 (14/04/2016)
- 無私「母愛」照亮生命 (06/05/2016)
- 窮小子圓夢金像獎 (12/05/2016)
- Child Labour: Life is Miserable (06/06/2016)
- 世界無童工日:血淚斑斑 苦不堪言 (06/06/2016)
- 難民女童 面對危機重重 (17/06/2016)
- Refugee Girls Face Multiple Risks (17/06/2016)
- 內地水災 逾2,600萬人受災 (14/07/2016)
- Floods in China Affect Over 26 Million People (14/07/2016)
- 被排斥的人生:無國籍家庭的艱辛生活 (14/07/2016)
- 奧運背後 女性恐懼 (05/08/2016)
- Plan International Hong Kong Film Screening Event: He Named Me Malala Cindy Yeung, Charlene Tse and Jo Ngai Call on the Public to Support Girls’ Right (19/08/2016)
- 國際培幼會《馬拉拉:改變世界的力量》電影欣賞會 楊諾思、謝寧、魏綺珊呼籲大眾關注女童權益 (19/08/2016)
- Corporate Partners Showed Great Support to Plan Sports Day (02/09/2016)
- 企業踴躍支持「Fun紛細運會」慈善同樂日 (02/09/2016)
- 魏綺珊柬埔寨慈善行 探訪童婚女孩 難過落淚 (10/09/2016)
- Jo Ngai Yee Shan Visits Child Brides in Cambodia (10/09/2016)
- 培幼會邀本港青年訪菲律賓 與當地青年探討女童權益 (21/09/2016)
- 每2秒1個女童早婚—遏制童婚 刻不容緩 (27/09/2016)
- 「愛.女孩」─ 體驗之旅 2017 (06/10/2016)
- Because I am a Girl – Exposure Trip 2017 (06/10/2016)
- The 4th “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign” will be held in October (06/10/2016)
- 第四屆「愛.女孩」「筆.生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動十月舉行 (06/10/2016)
- Plan International “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign” Opening Ceremony Dr Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, calls on the public to donate pencils (07/10/2016)
- 國際培幼會「愛·女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動開幕 食物及衛生局局長高永文醫生呼籲大家踴躍捐筆 (07/10/2016)
- Haiti Hurricane Affects 2.1 Million People (13/10/2016)
- 海地風災 210萬人受災 急需援手 (13/10/2016)
- 第四屆「愛.女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動圓滿舉行 (15/10/2016)
- The 4th “Because I am a Girl– Donate a Pencil Campaign” held with success (15/10/2016)
- 第二屆「國際培幼會青年會議」成功舉辦 七所中學十六隊學生探討女孩權利 (26/10/2016)
- The Second “Plan International Youth Conference” Successfully Held 16 Teams from Seven Schools Discussed Girls’ Rights (26/10/2016)
- 十大理由 愛上廁所 (15/11/2016)
- 印度女性生活惶恐 「安全城市」帶來希望 (24/11/2016)
- Plan International Chairman Receives Award for Sustained Efforts in Corporate Governance (07/12/2016)
- 加強管治 引領機構發展 (07/12/2016)
- 膠袋變書包 貧童待施教 (09/12/2016)
- 昔日受援助 今將愛延續 (13/12/2016)
- 「愛·女孩」「筆·生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動 – 財務報告 (03/01/2017)
- Because I am a Girl– Donate a Pencil Campaign – Audit Report (03/01/2017)
- 割禮陋習 女性最痛 (26/01/2017)
- 「蜘蛛媽媽」百足爪愛助人 (10/02/2017)
- 南蘇丹爆饑荒 國際培幼會展開緊急救援行動 (24/02/2017)
- 青年通訊(2017年2月) (24/02/2017)
- Youth eNews Feb 2017 (24/02/2017)
- Plan International Steps up Relief Efforts for People Affected by Famine in South Sudan (24/02/2017)
- Syria Crisis Enters Its 7th Year: A Whole Generation of Syrian Children Need to be Saved (27/02/2017)
- 敘利亞內戰第七年:拯救瀕臨消失的一代兒童 (27/02/2017)
- 給敘利亞難民兒童的一封信 (02/03/2017)
- ‘Because I am a Girl – Exposure Trip 2017’ held with success (07/03/2017)
- 「『愛.女孩』─ 體驗之旅 2017」圓滿舉行 (08/03/2017)
- #你敢食我敢捐 齊援助南蘇丹饑荒災民 (20/03/2017)
- 港青大使訪菲 人生之體驗 (27/03/2017)
- Run For Girls’ Rights (09/04/2017)
- 起跑! 為女孩加油 (09/04/2017)
- 1,000 Female Participated in “Run For Girls” (10/04/2017)
- 千人參與培幼會X Cosmopolitan『「愛‧女孩」起跑!』 (10/04/2017)
- Mother’s Day Special: 22 Daughters Raised By a Loving “Mother” (02/05/2017)
- 母親節呈獻:22個小孩的「母親」 (02/05/2017)
- 母親節呈獻:唐寧用心陪伴孩子成長 (04/05/2017)
- “Plan International Hong Kong Youth Conference” Invites Local Youth to Speak About Girls’ Rights (12/05/2017)
- 培幼會青年會議邀港學生就女童權益交流 (12/05/2017)
- Youth eNews May 2017 (18/05/2017)
- 青年通訊(2017年5月) (18/05/2017)
- NGOs call for greater public support in Hong Kong for East Africa Food Crisis response John Tsang, Alex Fong, Onyee Ng and Chong Chan Yau Experience ‘A Meal for Meals’ (02/06/2017)
- 國際非政府機構聯合呼籲市民關注東非糧食危機 曾俊華、方力申、吳安儀、莊陳有親身體驗「六月『非』餐」 (02/06/2017)
- Ecuador Earthquake – One Year After: Let’s Help Ecuadorian Children Regain Laughter (07/06/2017)
- 厄瓜多爾震後一年:「兒童天地」讓小孩重拾歡笑 (07/06/2017)
- 培幼會總幹事遠赴南蘇丹 親歷捱餓兒童慘況 (07/06/2017)
- Plan Hong Kong CEO Visited Malnourished Children in South Sudan (09/06/2017)
- 張堅庭楊諾思出席「貧窮富爸爸」慈善放映會 呼籲大眾關注南蘇丹饑荒 (19/06/2017)
- 「『愛.女孩』─ 體驗之旅 2017」- 收支報告 (29/06/2017)
- 培幼會聯手金融組織 促兒童權益(信報訪問) (17/07/2017)
- 肯尼亞女生從此不怕尷尬 (18/07/2017)
- Frontline Story: Ex-Beneficiary Serves the Community for Over a Decade to Give Back (18/07/2017)
- No More Embarrassment for Kenyan Girls (18/07/2017)
- 前線同事分享:昔日受助今助人 服務社區逾十載 (18/07/2017)
- 企業夥伴 愛心滿載 (18/07/2017)
- Corporate Partners Show Support to Plan (18/07/2017)
- 不論社會變遷 助養愛代代傳 (25/07/2017)
- 五十年,忘不了 (04/08/2017)
- 中國及印度水災 逾130萬人受災 (10/08/2017)
- China and Northeast India Floods Affect Over 1.3 Million People (10/08/2017)
- 港鼓大師憶助養 激勵傳大愛 (17/08/2017)
- 全球有逾二億名不能開學的孩子 (28/08/2017)
- ‘Because I am a Girl ─ Be a Change-maker 2018’ Opens for Application (29/08/2017)
- 「愛·女孩」─ Be a Change-maker 2018 現已接受報名 (29/08/2017)
- 兒童非貨物 怎應被販賣 (30/08/2017)
- Youth eNews August 2017 (31/08/2017)
- Children are Not for Sale (31/08/2017)
- 青年通訊(2017年8月) (31/08/2017)
- 暴雨襲尼泊爾 逾30萬家庭受災 (06/09/2017)
- Over 300,000 Households Affected as Monsoon Floods Ravage Nepal (06/09/2017)
- 第五屆「愛‧女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動 十月舉行 (10/09/2017)
- The 5th “Because I Am a Girl – Donate a Pencil” Campaign Will Be Held in October (10/09/2017)
- 愛女孩·爭公義—女孩被逼以身體換取考試及格 (17/09/2017)
- 只因有您 孩子不餓 (22/09/2017)
- You Save Hungry Children (22/09/2017)
- 童婚女孩:沒有選擇的人生 (05/10/2017)
- Child Brides: There’s No Choice (05/10/2017)
- 國際培幼會「愛.女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動開幕 財政司司長陳茂波呼籲大家踴躍捐筆 支持女孩學習 (10/10/2017)
- Mr Paul Chan Mo-Po, Financial Secretary Cum Plan’s Ex-Beneficiary Encourages Public to Donate Pencils and Support Girls’ Education (10/10/2017)
- 越南訪童婚女 望打破惡性循環—給前線同事的一封信 (10/10/2017)
- 「『愛.女孩』─ Be a Change-maker 2018」印尼體驗之旅舉行遴選面試 (12/10/2017)
- Interview Held for “Because I am a Girl – Be a Change-maker 2018” 7-day Indonesia Exposure Trip (12/10/2017)
- 唐寧訪越南 難忘喪子的16歲小媽媽 (16/10/2017)
- 助養者探訪之旅接受報名 (19/10/2017)
- Sponsor Visit Opens for Application (19/10/2017)
- 第五屆「愛.女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動圓滿舉行 (24/10/2017)
- The 5th “Because I Am a Girl– Donate a Pencil” Campaign Held with Success (24/10/2017)
- Stop Girls to Become Child Brides! Ms. June Leung, Founder of Beacon College: Let’s offer a helping hand (31/10/2017)
- 別讓女孩走上童婚路 遵理創辦人梁賀琪女士呼籲幫助童婚女孩 (01/11/2017)
- 愛女孩·爭公義—身為女性≠忍受暴力 (09/11/2017)
- End Violence Against Women (10/11/2017)
- 女童求廁 要等天賜? (19/11/2017)
- Girls Wish for Having Access to Sanitation (20/11/2017)
- 上學路漫漫 聖誕助貧童 (27/11/2017)
- Help Children Go to School This Christmas (27/11/2017)
- 活著,卻如同「隱形」的孩子 (06/12/2017)
- 鄧麗欣:難忘女孩食蟲充飢 善用影響力助貧童 (13/12/2017)
- 助養者中國寧夏探訪之旅接受報名 (16/01/2018)
- Sponsor Visit to Ningxia, China Opens for Application (16/01/2018)
- 第五屆「愛.女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動 – 財務報告 (18/01/2018)
- The 5th “Because I Am a Girl– Donate a Pencil” Audit Report (18/01/2018)
- 海地颶風過後 (29/01/2018)
- Haiti Hurricane: One Year On (29/01/2018)
- 爭取女童權益 男孩當仁不讓 (29/01/2018)
- Boys Help Fight for Girls’ Rights (29/01/2018)
- 魏綺珊重出江湖「報道」性暴力事件 (09/02/2018)
- Former News Anchor Jo Ngai Presents: Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone (09/02/2018)
- 王祖藍大唱賀年歌 宣揚助養愛 (12/02/2018)
- 女性當自強 促推動性別平等 (08/03/2018)
- Empowering Women to Achieve Gender Equality (08/03/2018)
- 奴隸女孩 重獲新生 (14/03/2018)
- Former Kamalari Girls Live Better Lives (14/03/2018)
- 鄧麗欣探訪前奴隸女童 盼大眾關注女童權利 (15/03/2018)
- 國際培幼會致力消除與性相關的不當行為及剝削 (21/03/2018)
- Our commitment to stamp out abuse and exploitation (21/03/2018)
- 尼泊爾15歲女孩被逼嫁給45歲陌生男人 失去夢想與尊嚴 (21/03/2018)
- 港姐妹獲美國名導助養 難忘跨國「父女情」 (12/04/2018)
- 早婚懷孕 身心俱痛 (18/04/2018)
- The unbearable consequences of early marriage (18/04/2018)
- 施行割禮大半生 割禮師毅然棄刀 (18/04/2018)
- Why give up the knife? Former FGM practitioner speaks out (18/04/2018)
- 埃及女孩發聲 對抗性騷擾 (18/04/2018)
- Egypt’s girls speak out to fight sexual harassment (18/04/2018)
- 曾共渡助養日子總有樂趣 (27/04/2018)
- Joyful Days of Sponsoring a Child Together (27/04/2018)
- 不能說的月事 (27/04/2018)
- The Menstrual Taboo (27/04/2018)
- 起跑! 為女孩加油 2018 (29/04/2018)
- Run For Girls’ Rights 2018 (29/04/2018)
- 1,200 females support Run for Girls (01/05/2018)
- 1,200名女性支持「『愛.女孩』起跑!」 (01/05/2018)
- A “mother” of 102 children, Charlene reunites with her sponsored child (07/05/2018)
- 102個小孩的「母親」謝寧與助養兒童感動重逢 (07/05/2018)
- 逆境媽媽助養15名貧童 盼教育改變命運 (09/05/2018)
- 國際培幼會(香港) 青年通訊(2018年5月) (18/05/2018)
- Plan International Hong Kong Youth eNews (May 2018) (18/05/2018)
- 契父母無私大愛 全家人生命得改寫 (24/05/2018)
- 國際培幼會-香港城市大學「愛.女孩」青年會議2018:為女孩爭取公義 (25/05/2018)
- Plan International Hong Kong – City University of Hong Kong Youth Conference 2018: Fight for Girl’s Justice (25/05/2018)
- 孤女重拾人生目標 (28/05/2018)
- Helping an orphan girl’s future bloom (28/05/2018)
- 奬學金助女孩追夢 (28/05/2018)
- Scholarships change the story for girls (28/05/2018)
- 手機應用程式阻童婚 扭轉孟加拉女童命運 (28/05/2018)
- A mobile app stops child marriage in Bangladesh (28/05/2018)
- Restoring livelihoods after earthquake (30/05/2018)
- 尼泊爾震後三年 恢復生計 (30/05/2018)
- 銘記助養情 茂波四度飛美謝恩 (05/06/2018)
- 羅興亞女孩 失自由眼淚流 (29/06/2018)
- Trapped in refugee camps, Rohingya girls dream of school and safety (29/06/2018)
- Trafficked girl became pregnant after being sexually exploited (29/06/2018)
- 女孩遭販賣 慘被侵犯成孕 (29/06/2018)
- 多國攜手捍衛女孩受教權 (29/06/2018)
- G7 makes commitments on girls’ education (29/06/2018)
- 異國師生愛心助養 改變一生的兩個機遇 (04/07/2018)
- 幸遇16位美軍契爺 孤女黑暗歲月現希望 (04/07/2018)
- 無血緣「父親」 圓窮小子留學夢 (11/07/2018)
- 踴躍訂購慈善月餅 助羅興亞兒童渡難關 (13/07/2018)
- Spread love to Rohingya children by supporting mooncake charity sale (13/07/2018)
- 難民營生活淒滄 羅興亞兒童失童年 (17/07/2018)
- Rohingya children in refugee camps are robbed of their childhood (17/07/2018)
- 遭「夫」強姦自衛殺人 童婚少女囚五年 (30/07/2018)
- Five-year sentence for child marriage and rape victim (30/07/2018)
- 衝破月事禁忌 助女孩重返校園 (30/07/2018)
- Busting period taboos to help girls stay in school (30/07/2018)
- 尼泊爾女孩自強自立 (30/07/2018)
- Nepali girls gain self-sufficiency (30/07/2018)
- A brand new school for Cambodian children (31/07/2018)
- 加建校舍 孩子告別擠迫校園 (31/07/2018)
- 獎學金助無國籍兒童圓夢 (31/07/2018)
- Scholarship helps stateless girls pursue their dreams (31/07/2018)
- 初見助養孩子 送上祝福與關懷 (31/07/2018)
- Meeting their sponsored child for the first time, sponsors share love and care (31/07/2018)
- Conference on Safeguarding Children's Best Interests (06/08/2018)
- 保護兒童最佳利益研討會 (06/08/2018)
- Plan International Hong Kong "Be a Change-maker 2019" (27/08/2018)
- 國際培幼會「Be a Change-maker 2019」 (27/08/2018)
- 印度百年最嚴重水災 災民痛失家園 (27/08/2018)
- Worst floods in a century leave people homeless in India (27/08/2018)
- 國際培幼會(香港)青年通訊(2018年8月) (30/08/2018)
- Plan International Hong Kong Youth eNews (August 2018) (30/08/2018)
- 難民女孩矢志抗童婚 (31/08/2018)
- Girl advocates ending child marriage in refugee camp (31/08/2018)
- 父女檔拍住上 對抗未成年懷孕問題 (31/08/2018)
- The father-daughter duo tackling teen pregnancy (31/08/2018)
- Over a thousand school children suffer from Yunnan floods (21/09/2018)
- 雲南水災為患 逾千學童急需援手 (21/09/2018)
- 本地與海外專家探討國際最佳經驗 於香港引入兒童權利影響評估框架 守護兒童最大利益 (26/09/2018)
- International and Local Experts Deliberate on International Best Practices on Safeguarding Children’s Best Interests: Enhancing Outcomes by Incorporating a Child Rights Impact Assessment Framework in Hong Kong (26/09/2018)
- 踴躍支持「愛‧女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動 籌款助女童上學讀書 (26/09/2018)
- Donate a pencil to Support Girls‘ Education (28/09/2018)
- A Dormitory to Reduce School Dropouts in Vietnam (28/09/2018)
- 上學路遠也不怕 (28/09/2018)
- 性暴力、嬰兒夭折、失學 童婚女孩不應承受的痛 (05/10/2018)
- 逾六十名學生參加青年會議 探討女童權利 (05/10/2018)
- Over 60 Students Voice out for Girls’ Rights in Youth Conference (05/10/2018)
- Sexual Violence, Newborn Death and Dropping out of School: The Unbearable Impacts of Child Marriage (09/10/2018)
- 國際培幼會呼籲踴躍捐筆 支持弱勢女孩接受教育 (11/10/2018)
- Plan International Encourages Public to Donate Pencils and Support Girls’ Education (11/10/2018)
- 印尼地震引發海嘯 災情嚴峻 逾240萬人受災 (15/10/2018)
- Deadly earthquake and tsunami struck Indonesia Over 2.4 million people are in urgent need of assistance (15/10/2018)
- 孩子生活大不同 小演員劉皓嵐訪柬埔寨 學懂珍惜與分享 (19/11/2018)
- 國際培幼會(香港) 青年通訊(2018年11月) (29/11/2018)
- 聖誕送上「希望之禮」 助困苦孩子開心上學 (29/11/2018)
- Plan International Hong Kong Youth eNews (November 2018) (29/11/2018)
- 印尼地震10歲女孩親睹好友罹難 聖誕送暖困苦孩子 (30/11/2018)
- 鉛筆捐贈活動收集逾23,000支鉛筆 (30/11/2018)
- Donate a Pencil Campaign Collects Over 23,000 Pencils (30/11/2018)
- 發放獎學金 讓女孩繼續讀書 (30/11/2018)
- Scholarships for Girls to Continue Their Education (30/11/2018)
- 起跑! 為女孩加油 2019 (10/12/2018)
- 戰亂中的女孩 淪為網上拍賣品 500頭牛成交出嫁 (11/12/2018)
- RUN for Girls’ Rights (11/12/2018)
- 無預警海嘯襲印尼 近2,000人死傷 (24/12/2018)
- Indonesia Tsunami Death Toll Hits 430, with 1,500 Injured (24/12/2018)
- 國際培幼會展開印尼海嘯緊急救援工作 呼籲港人捐助受災兒童及災民 (27/12/2018)
- Indonesia Tsunami Death Toll Hits 430, with 1,500 Injured, Plan International Hong Kong Appeals for Public Support (27/12/2018)
- Girls Face Multiple Threats in Rwandan Refugee Camp (31/12/2018)
- 盧旺達難民營危機處處 女孩無處為家 (31/12/2018)
- 鄭麗莎為夢想奮鬥 會考3分變碩士 與子女助貧童追夢 (14/01/2019)
- 初為助養「媽媽」 心悠與盧旺達女孩結下不解緣 (14/01/2019)
- 第六屆「愛.女孩」鉛筆捐贈活動財務報告 (15/01/2019)
- The 6th Donate a Pencil Campaign Audit Report (15/01/2019)
- 盧旺達女孩以頭運磚 每天只賺港幣$2.6? (23/01/2019)
- Rwandan Girl Earns HK$2.6 per Day for Carrying Bricks on Her Head (23/01/2019)
- 一刀斷送一生 非洲女孩痛徹心扉 (01/02/2019)
- A Knife Ruining Girls’ Lives (01/02/2019)
- 12歲險嫁人輟學 女孩拒絕沉默 改變命運 (08/03/2019)
- The Girl Who Stopped Her Own Wedding at 12 (08/03/2019)
- 1,500名女性參與國際培幼會x Cosmopolitan「『愛.女孩』起跑!」慈善跑 婦女事務委員會主席陳婉嫻呼籲支持女孩權益 (18/03/2019)
- 1,500 females participate in Plan International Hong Kong X Cosmopolitan “Run for Girls” charity run Chairperson of the Women's Commission Ms. Chan Yuen-han calls on public to support girls’ rights (18/03/2019)
- 一台水泵 讓孩子生活不一樣 (21/03/2019)
- A new life begins with clean water (21/03/2019)
- 遺失捐款箱通知 (22/03/2019)
- Incident of loss of donation boxes (22/03/2019)
- 助養者遠赴泰北 與孩子歡度兒童節 (25/03/2019)
- Child Sponsors Celebrate Children's Day with their Sponsored Child in Chiang Rai (25/03/2019)
- 1,500名女性參與「『愛·女孩』起跑!」 (25/03/2019)
- 1,500 Females Support Run for Girls (25/03/2019)
- 小兄妹生日會籌款助非洲貧童 讓愛跨越千里 (01/04/2019)
- 「愛助養之開心速遞」誠邀您分享助養故事 (17/04/2019)
- 國際培幼會 – 香港城市大學 「愛.女孩」青年會議2019誠邀報名 (29/04/2019)
- Plan International Hong Kong – City University of Hong Kong ‘Girls Get Equal’ Youth Conference 2019 Open for Application (29/04/2019)
- 國際培幼會(香港) 青年通訊(2019年4月) (30/04/2019)
- Plan International Hong Kong Youth eNews (April 2019) (30/04/2019)
- 窮孩子成廉署公務員 全因有心人無私扶助 (02/05/2019)
- 空姐變身八個小孩的「媽媽」 (08/05/2019)
- From Flight Attendant to a “Mother” of Eight (08/05/2019)
- 廿年來最強風暴吹襲印度 逾100萬人急需援助 (08/05/2019)
- A million people in urgent need of help after the strongest storm hit India in 20 years (08/05/2019)
- Tender Notice for Situation Analysis Study on Child Safeguarding Policy (Study with Parents and Children) (10/05/2019)
- 「守護兒童政策研究」公開招標 (10/05/2019)
- 兒時曾受助養 幼教翹楚矢志扶幼 (14/05/2019)
- 「培幼十年‧恩情延綿」十周年聚會 (05/06/2019)
- 10th Anniversary Gathering (06/06/2019)
- 世界原來那樣大 「契媽」讓淒苦童年現曙光 (06/06/2019)
- 「保險孖寶」不忘昔日助養情 今攜手雪中送炭 (14/06/2019)
- 感激契媽愛屋及烏 兄弟難忘千里恩情 (14/06/2019)
- 逃離家園,遠離戰火,我就可以重獲新生嗎? (05/07/2019)
- Help from total strangers brings up an ICAC officer (09/07/2019)
- Orphan Girl Sees Light from the Love of 16 American Soldiers Sponsors (09/07/2019)
- Indiscriminate Love Surpasses Distance (09/07/2019)
- Light Shines through Childhood for Foster Mother’s Love (09/07/2019)
- Sisters treasure the long-distance father and daughters love (09/07/2019)
- Her Weapon is Her Education (10/07/2019)
- 第一屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽 (22/07/2019)
- 1st ‘Draw my Dreams’ Drawing Competition (22/07/2019)
- 榮譽大使鄧麗欣與助養小孩感動重逢 謝寧愛心爆棚助養100位兒童 (29/07/2019)
- Plan International Hong Kong marked its 10th year milestone (29/07/2019)
- 「培幼十年‧恩情延綿」國際培幼會十周年聚會 (29/07/2019)
- 小智慧大改變 以WhatsApp捍衛女童權益 (31/07/2019)
- 鄧麗欣有「女」初長成 闊別六載感動重逢 (12/08/2019)
- Elegy of the Kidnapped Brides, Act Now to Save Girls from Child Marriage (23/08/2019)
- 被綁架新娘的哀歌 反童婚工作刻不容緩 (23/08/2019)
- Indonesia Earthquake (Lombok Island) -One Year On: Girls Regained Hope (04/09/2019)
- 印尼龍目島震後一年 女孩重拾希望 (04/09/2019)
- 菲律賓「山竹」過後 風雨中守護兒童與女性 (04/09/2019)
- Safeguarding women and children after typhoon Mangkhut lashed the Philippines (04/09/2019)
- 10 Shocking Numbers about the Education of Refugee children (15/09/2019)
- 10個關於難民兒童的驚人讀書數字 (26/09/2019)
- Near 140 Students Joined Hands to Strive for Girls Right in Youth Conference 2019 (02/10/2019)
- 近140名學生參與青年會議 齊關注女童權利 (02/10/2019)
- 柬埔寨女孩遊走夢想與現實之間 從不一樣的角度看童婚問題 (10/10/2019)
- 一句話摧毀一生 貧苦女孩月經之痛烙印心底 (10/10/2019)
- Donate A Pencil – Make Children’s Dreams Come True (10/10/2019)
- 「夢,不應只是想」 支持網上捐贈鉛筆活動,成就孩子夢想 (10/10/2019)
- 「夢,不應只是想」國際培幼會誠邀大家網上捐贈鉛筆,成就孩子夢想 (11/10/2019)
- 國際培幼會「Be a Change-maker 2020」 (11/10/2019)
- Plan International Hong Kong “Be a Change-maker 2020” (11/10/2019)
- 不一樣的柬國老師 單手撐起半邊天 (14/10/2019)
- Results of 1st ‘Draw my Dreams’ Drawing Competition (14/10/2019)
- 第一屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽得獎名單 (14/10/2019)
- Make Children’s Dreams Come True – Plan International Invites the Public to Donate a Pencil Online (16/10/2019)
- 赤貧更顯動人親情 柬國孩子何以充飢 (17/10/2019)
- An Unusual Teacher: Rewrites her Life Story with One Arm (18/10/2019)
- The Hungry Cambodian Children: Family Love Surpasses Poverty (18/10/2019)
- 國際培幼會(香港)青年通訊(2019年10月) (21/10/2019)
- Plan International Hong Kong Youth E-News(October 2019) (21/10/2019)
- Menstruation tortures underprivileged girls (27/11/2019)
- Let’s Get Girls Protected and Educated (28/11/2019)
- 向人口販賣說不 讓女孩重拾接受教育和保護的機會 (28/11/2019)
- A Tradition That Causes Pain (28/11/2019)
- 一個讓女孩痛徹心扉的傳統 (28/11/2019)
- 兒童社會心理支援研討會及工作坊 (29/11/2019)
- Psychosocial support: Seminar and workshop on facilitating psychosocial wellbeing of children (29/11/2019)
- 「兒童參與社區發展計劃」公開招標 (10/12/2019)
- Tender Notice for ‘Community-based Child Participatory Practice Model’ (10/12/2019)
- Child marriage from another perspective (18/12/2019)
- Run for Girls’ Rights 2020 (13/01/2020)
- 起跑! 為女孩加油 2020 (13/01/2020)
- The Story behind Nigerian Girls Kidnapping (20/01/2020)
- 「未來11國」尼日利亞危機 女孩權益未趕上經濟發展步伐 (20/01/2020)
- 總幹事任守護兒童政策論壇講者 分享國際及本地應用經驗 (21/01/2020)
- CEO Shares International and Local Experiences in Child Safeguarding Policy Forum (21/01/2020)
- 上屆參加者專訪:航程中見盡不平等現象 80後空姐決心為女孩起跑 (23/01/2020)
- 新型冠狀病毒緊急援助 為本港基層孩子及家庭送上防疫物資 (10/02/2020)
- Send Hygiene Kits to Local Grassroots Families in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak (13/02/2020)
- 初次踏足尼泊爾 胡定欣樂見女孩當自強 (20/02/2020)
- 尼泊爾女孩飽受雙重威脅 「月經之恥」與種姓制度成女孩噩夢 (04/03/2020)
- Nepali Girls under Double Threats A Nightmare of Period-Shaming and the Caste System (10/03/2020)
- ‘Climate Injustice’ Converges ‘Gender Injustice’ Girls Sacrifice in Climate Crisis (31/03/2020)
- 當「氣候不公義」遇上「性別不公義」 女孩在氣候危機中淪為犧牲品 (31/03/2020)
- 新型冠狀病毒緊急援助 發展中國家糧食及安全危機一觸即發 (08/04/2020)
- Coronavirus Relief Developing Countries Come Close to a Food and Safety Crisis (08/04/2020)
- Introductory Workshop on Child Safeguarding Policy (28/04/2020)
- 初探守護兒童政策工作坊 (28/04/2020)
- 疫境下的空姐媽媽 鼓勵女兒繼續關愛貧困孩子 (08/05/2020)
- 越南媽媽「疫」市中求存 網上賣菜兼做外賣「騎兵」 (15/05/2020)
- 15歲女生「一腳踢」開網店賣胡椒 只盼給貧苦女孩一個安心經期 (24/05/2020)
- 從日常對話打破月經禁忌 國際培幼會與人氣插畫師「小爾的日常」推出月經主題WhatsApp貼紙 (25/05/2020)
- 體育界圓桌會議:守護兒童從政策做起 (26/05/2020)
- Roundtable: Child Safeguarding Policy in Sports Setting (26/05/2020)
- Pandemic Cannot Kill Intelligence- A Vietnam Mother Delivers Vegetables to Your Door! (01/06/2020)
- Girls Are Suffering Now- COVID-19 Aggravates Female Genital Cutting in Somalia (05/06/2020)
- 新型肺炎疫情加劇割禮問題 割禮師逐戶叩門 索馬里女孩無處可逃 (05/06/2020)
- 國際培幼會(香港) – 香港城市大學 「愛.女孩」青年會議2020/21 (08/06/2020)
- Plan international hong kong – City University of Hong Kong ‘Girls Get Equal’ Youth Conference 2020/21 (08/06/2020)
- 一場疫症逼使女孩困於河邊? 發展中國家女孩在疫情下的五個月經煩惱 (18/06/2020)
- 【新型冠狀病毒緊急援助】 分享有餘 救女孩脫離童婚 (07/07/2020)
- 【Coronavirus Emergency Relief】 Sharing is Caring! Save Girls from Child Marriage (07/07/2020)
- 「體育界圓桌會議:守護兒童從政策做起」 近60位業界人士出席交流 (08/07/2020)
- 'Roundtable: Child Safeguarding Policy in Sports Setting' Nearly 60 Practioners Attended the Event to Exchange Views (08/07/2020)
- 第二屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽 (16/07/2020)
- 2nd ‘Draw my Dreams’ Drawing Competition (16/07/2020)
- 《初探守護兒童政策》工作坊 (22/07/2020)
- Introductory Workshop on Child Safeguarding Policy (22/07/2020)
- 體育機構實施《守護兒童政策》現況研究 (24/07/2020)
- Situation Analysis Study on Child Safeguarding Policy (Sports Organisations) (24/07/2020)
- 國際培幼會進行體育界首個有關「守護兒童政策」研究 近5成體育機構對「守護兒童政策」意識不足 難防機構虐兒事件 (27/07/2020)
- Plan International Hong Kong Conducted the First-ever Child Safeguarding Policy in the sports sector, Nearly Half of the Organisations Have Inadequate Understanding to Prevent Institutional Child Abuse (27/07/2020)
- 「疫」境下 讓女孩學無間斷 (27/07/2020)
- Keeping Girls in Education through COVID-19 (27/07/2020)
- 「疫情下之親子正向相處」工作坊 (29/07/2020)
- 改善校園環境 – 讓兒童繼續學習 (31/07/2020)
- Better School Better Education-Help Boys and Girls Stay in School (31/07/2020)
- 《體育機構如何實施守護兒童政策》工作坊 (05/08/2020)
- 吳雨霏疫情下變身「Play Group」老師 不忘關心女童權益 (06/08/2020)
- Beirut Explosion Devastated Lebanon 300 Thousand People in Urgent Need of Shelter, Food and Water (07/08/2020)
- 【黎巴嫩貝魯特大爆炸】 30萬人痛失家園 斷水斷糧 急需援手 (07/08/2020)
- 國際培幼會 Girls Takeover 2020 現已接受報名! (11/08/2020)
- Plan International Hong Kong Girls Takeover 2020 is Now Opened for Application! (11/08/2020)
- 吳雨霏四度探訪蒙古雛妓女孩 矢志推動女童權益工作 (13/08/2020)
- 「情」能自控家長工作坊 (24/08/2020)
- 《懷疑兒童被虐或受傷害事件之辨識、評估及處理 》 實務工作坊 (26/08/2020)
- 2020年八月號【解構女性黑白照風潮】 (27/08/2020)
- August 2020【Black & White Challenge Explained】 (28/08/2020)
- 《如何與子女談性》家長工作坊 (08/09/2020)
- 《讓孩子愛上學習》家長工作坊 (15/09/2020)
- 捐筆抗疫 助孩子逆轉命運 (17/09/2020)
- 2020年九月號【月經會招致死亡?】 (22/09/2020)
- September 2020【Menstruation brings you...】 (23/09/2020)
- 80歲美國助養「媽媽」兩度赴港 只為見「女兒」一面 (30/09/2020)
- Donate A Pencil – Help children fight COVID-19 (06/10/2020)
- 為女孩充權 擔起守護家園重任 (08/10/2020)
- Empower Girls to Protect their Communities (08/10/2020)
- 【專訪前線救援同事】身陷「疫」境 女童權益危機一觸即發 (09/10/2020)
- COVID-19 Triggered Girls’ Rights Crisis, Relief Programmes Adjusted to the Pandemic’s ‘New Normal’ in Vietnam, Indonesia and Nepal (09/10/2020)
- 《守護兒童,由自己開始》家長工作坊 (12/10/2020)
- 2020年十月號【你覺得這裡真的安全嗎?】 (22/10/2020)
- October 2020【Is It Really Safe Here?】 (22/10/2020)
- 「培幼鉛筆義賣大行動」有獎填色創作比賽 填色樣板 (04/11/2020)
- 「培幼鉛筆義賣大行動」有獎填色創作比賽 (04/11/2020)
- 逆境中對兒童的心理支援 (05/11/2020)
- Psychosocial support for children in adversities (05/11/2020)
- 《勤有功戲有益?》家長工作坊 (05/11/2020)
- 《網絡陷阱與危機》家長工作坊 (05/11/2020)
- 疫情無阻助養情 鄧麗欣、胡定欣、唐寧攜手逆轉女孩命運 (09/11/2020)
- 受助兒童的抗疫心聲 (11/11/2020)
- Children’s Lives under COVID19 (11/11/2020)
- 如何縮短與受助孩子的通訊時間 (12/11/2020)
- How to shorten the communication time with my sponsored child(ren)? (12/11/2020)
- 2020年十一月號【抓着疫情的「影子」】 (24/11/2020)
- November 2020 【Catching the Pandemic’s ‘Shadow’】 (24/11/2020)
- First Girls Takeover in Hong Kong Held with Success - Three University Girls Spoke for Female’s Online Freedom (25/11/2020)
- 國際培幼會(香港) 首屆Girls Takeover活動成功舉辦 - 三位年輕大學生為女性網絡自由發聲 (25/11/2020)
- 第二屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽得獎名單公佈 (26/11/2020)
- Results of The 2nd "Draw my Dreams" Drawing Competition (26/11/2020)
- 多一點支持,疫情下扭轉女孩命運 (26/11/2020)
- With Your Support, We can Change Girls’ Fate under Pandemic (26/11/2020)
- 【道別的力量】相惜相伴十載 謝寧揮別助養囡囡榮榮 (26/11/2020)
- 疫情致失學缺糧 把握現在 讓孩子生命不被扭曲 (09/12/2020)
- December 2020 【The Overlooked ‘Secret Strategy’ to Boost GDP by 10%】 (23/12/2020)
- 2020年十二月號【一個可推動經濟增長10%,卻被忽視的秘技】 (23/12/2020)
- 柬埔寨的新年 (01/01/2021)
- New Year in Cambodia (01/01/2021)
- 《守護兒童 — 讓他們免受傷害》家長工作坊 (11/01/2021)
- 《打造孩子的安樂窩》家長工作坊 (11/01/2021)
- The Pandemic is Trapping Girls at the Rivers? - Five Menstrual Problems of Girls in Developing Countries under COVID-19 (12/01/2021)
- HK$4 per Day to Support Girls Fund. Let’s Save Girls under Pandemic (12/01/2021)
- 每日4元 支持「愛.女孩」基金 疫情下一同拯救女孩 (12/01/2021)
- 【黎巴嫩貝魯特大爆炸】重建路漫漫 與災民同行 (21/01/2021)
- 【Beirut Explosion】Lebanon is Making Progress on the Long Road of Recovery (21/01/2021)
- 「愛 ‧ 女孩」起跑!2021 (25/01/2021)
- January 2021 【Many a Little Makes a Mickle: Girls Fund Report 2019-2020】 (26/01/2021)
- 2021年一月號【您的一小步可成就大改變:「愛 ‧ 女孩」2019-2020年工作報告】 (26/01/2021)
- 不忍學生疫情下失學 越南良師攀山越嶺盼改寫結局 (26/01/2021)
- 「愛·女孩」起跑!2021 越南童婚女孩故事 (01/02/2021)
- Run for Girls! 2021 - Child Marriage Stories of Vietnamese Girls (01/02/2021)
- 15歲已感人生盡頭 童婚少女懊悔一生 (02/02/2021)
- Child Caring Partnership Programme (02/02/2021)
- 「培幼夥伴計劃」會員 (02/02/2021)
- Run for Girls 2021 (02/02/2021)
- 《懷疑兒童被虐或受傷害事件之辨識、評估及處理》實務工作坊 (03/02/2021)
- 《體育機構如何實施守護兒童措施》工作坊 (03/02/2021)
- Seeing a dead end of her life at 15, the child bride wishes she could turn back time (05/02/2021)
- 鄧麗欣 丶吳雨霏 丶鄭麗莎丶董嘉儀同籲大眾起跑 籌款支持反童婚項目 助女孩留校讀書 (10/02/2021)
- 2020培幼鉛筆義賣大行動財務報告 (10/02/2021)
- 2020 Donate a Pencil Campaign Audit Report (10/02/2021)
- 生於貧民窟 五個不認命女生活出自主人生 (16/02/2021)
- The Life Transformation Stories of Five Girls living in Kenya Slum (16/02/2021)
- 疫症無情 越南女孩深陷失學早婚兩大危機 (18/02/2021)
- 2021年二月號【知道多一點,傷害少一點:關於割禮的五個事實】 (25/02/2021)
- February 2021【Know More, Hurt Less: Five Facts about FGM】 (25/02/2021)
- 回顧「愛.女孩」青年會議2020/21活動工作坊 (25/02/2021)
- Highlights of Girls Get Equal Youth Conference 2020/21 Training Workshops (25/02/2021)
- 《感受孩子的心思》表達藝術體驗親子工作坊 (25/02/2021)
- 《網絡危機處處,如何守護孩子安全?》家長工作坊 (25/02/2021)
- 《照顧好自己,好好照顧孩子》家長工作坊 (25/02/2021)
- 「從守護兒童政策加強體育機構管治」網上分享論壇 (22/03/2021)
- 2021年三月號【逆境更自強:三個從「地獄」折返人間的女孩】 (23/03/2021)
- March 2021【What Doesn’t Kill Her Makes Her Stronger: Three Survival Girls’ Stories】 (23/03/2021)
- 疫情下女性面臨更大危機 培幼會半年抗疫工作見成效 (24/03/2021)
- Half Way through the Battle against COVID-19 for Girls (24/03/2021)
- 《不只講故事》家長工作坊 (05/04/2021)
- 感謝您的希望饋贈 燃亮孩子生命 (15/04/2021)
- Thanks for Your Gift of Hope Which Can Change Children’s Life (15/04/2021)
- 「培幼助養之旅」誠邀您分享助養故事 (16/04/2021)
- 免費領取「守護兒童體驗套裝」 (22/04/2021)
- 《懷疑兒童被虐或受傷害事件之辨識、評估及處理 》 實務工作坊 (26/04/2021)
- 2021年四月號【戰區小女孩卑微的上學夢】 (26/04/2021)
- April 2021【The Little Girls’ Dreams- Education in Conflicts Zone】 (26/04/2021)
- 《在家學習.性》家長工作坊 (27/04/2021)
- Over 1,000 Participants Joined “Run For Girls” Virtual Run (29/04/2021)
- 疫情下逾千人參與「『愛·女孩』起跑!」線上跑 (29/04/2021)
- 《童學.性教育》家長工作坊 (30/04/2021)
- 《怎樣避免送孩子入虎口?》課外活動篇 家長工作坊 (05/05/2021)
- 2021年五月號【傳統禁忌致性別不平等 天價衛生巾斷送尼泊爾女孩無價將來】 (13/05/2021)
- 「從守護兒童政策加強體育機構管治」網上分享論壇 港協暨奧委會會長霍震霆連同逾160名體育界人士積極參與 (13/05/2021)
- May 2021【Traditional Taboos Cause Gender Inequality, Unaffordable Pads Sacrifice the Future of Nepali Girls】 (13/05/2021)
- Over 160 Sports Professionals Participated in a Virtual Sharing Forum on “How to Enhance Corporate Governance of the Sports Sector through Child Safeguarding” (13/05/2021)
- 《如何應對火爆小霸王?》家長工作坊 (21/05/2021)
- 《感受孩子的心思》表達藝術體驗親子工作坊 二 (24/05/2021)
- 國際培幼會「Be a Change-maker 2021/22」 (25/05/2021)
- Plan International Hong Kong 'Be a Change-maker 2021/22' (25/05/2021)
- 2022「愛女孩· 月經友善運動」 (03/06/2021)
- Girls Fund 2021 Donor Survey (03/06/2021)
- 捐助者終止捐款問卷調查Donor Termination Survey (08/06/2021)
- 《孩子又有心事?》家長工作坊 (22/06/2021)
- 您所捐贈的一磚一瓦 築起了孩子的上學夢 (23/06/2021)
- Every Brick You Donated Helps Build Children’s Dream (23/06/2021)
- 2021年六月號【雞先定蛋先?拆解氣候危機與性別公義錯綜複雜的關係】 (23/06/2021)
- June 2021【Which came first? The Interrelationship of Climate Change and Gender Justice】 (23/06/2021)
- 《輕鬆迎開學》家長工作坊 (14/07/2021)
- Girls Takeover 2021 Application Form (21/07/2021)
- 想搖身一變成為Facebook高層?Girls Takeover 2021 現已接受報名! (21/07/2021)
- Want to be Part of the Senior Management in Facebook? Join Girls Takeover 2021 Now! (21/07/2021)
- 2021年七月號【逃難了,然後呢?媒體甚少告訴您的委內瑞拉難民女孩故事】 (22/07/2021)
- 第三屆「童心追夢」繪畫及填色比賽 (22/07/2021)
- 3rd ‘Draw my Dreams’ Drawing & Colouring Competition (22/07/2021)
- July 2021【Fled and what’s next? The Story of Venezuelan Refugee Girls That Media Failed to Tell You】 (22/07/2021)
- 籌募主管 (只提供中文版本) (10/08/2021)
- 籌募大使組長 (只提供中文版本) (10/08/2021)
- 籌募大使(只提供中文版本) (10/08/2021)
- 強制舉報虐兒 守護兒童機制須作整體配合 (10/08/2021)
- Mandatory reporting of suspected child abuses requires a complementary child safeguarding system (10/08/2021)
- 非洲糧食嚴重短缺 4,000萬人命懸一線 (13/08/2021)
- 【Emergency】 Acute Food Crisis in Africa Puts 41 Million Lives on the Verge of Death (13/08/2021)
- 為助養孩子打打氣﹗Cheer Up Your Sponsored Child! (24/08/2021)
- 為助養孩子打打氣﹗Cheer Up Your Sponsored Child! (24/08/2021)
- August 2021【Girls’ Empowerment Makes One of the Most Spectacular Olympics at All Times】 (27/08/2021)
- 2021年八月號【女孩賦權的力量 造就不一樣的奧運會】 (27/08/2021)
- Girls Takeover - Credit Suisse Application Form (13/09/2021)
- Girls Takeover - Credit Suisse Application Form (13/09/2021)
- Apply to Girls Takeover 2021 to work with the senior management of Credit Suisse! (14/09/2021)
- Apply to Girls Takeover 2021 to work with the senior management of Credit Suisse! (14/09/2021)
- Work-at-home Mum Published Storybooks to Promote Child Safeguarding (17/09/2021)
- 子女遭傭人恐嚇、塞拖鞋不敢揚聲 雙職媽媽出書宣揚「守護兒童」 (17/09/2021)
- Plan International Hong Kong launched the first Child Safeguarding Policy Research in education sector (17/09/2021)
- 國際培幼會發佈教育界首個有關「守護兒童政策」研究結果 (17/09/2021)
- 2021年九月號【只差一步便要披上嫁衣 立即幫助印度女孩擺脫童婚】 (21/09/2021)
- September 2021【She Would be Married in A Moment: Help Indian Girls Get Rid of Child Marriage NOW!】 (23/09/2021)
- 只差一步便要披上嫁衣 立即幫助印度女孩擺脫童婚 (23/09/2021)
- She Would be Married in A Moment: Help Indian Girls Get Rid of Child Marriage NOW! (23/09/2021)
- 回應施政報告— 立法以外 守護兒童機制須作整體配合 (06/10/2021)
- Response to Policy Address— Mandatory reporting on suspected child abuse requires a complementary child safeguarding system (06/10/2021)
- 「愛‧女孩」行動全球聯署 (07/10/2021)
- Girls Get Equal Global Petition (07/10/2021)
- 「小小慈善家 」 (15/10/2021)
- “Donate a Pencil” Campaign 2021 – Let’s Fight the Virus and Change the Future of Children (19/10/2021)
- 支持鉛筆捐贈活動 助孩子自學抗「疫」改寫停課等於停學的命運 (26/10/2021)
- LC Form (29/10/2021)
- 立即為孩子報名「小小慈善家」! (01/11/2021)
- Little Philanthropist (01/11/2021)
- 第三屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽得獎名單公佈 (03/11/2021)
- Results of The 3rd “Draw my Dreams” Drawing and Colouring Competition (03/11/2021)
- Through Girls Takeover, Let Girls Shine Bright in Male-dominated Industry (15/11/2021)
- Through Girls Takeover, Let Girls Shine Bright in Male-dominated Industry (15/11/2021)
- 2021年十一月號【是學校?還是戰場?女孩急需安全學習環境】 (16/11/2021)
- November 2021【School or Battlefield? An Urgent Call for Safer Schools】 (16/11/2021)
- Part-Time HR Assistant (23/11/2021)
- Girls Takeover! 讓女孩為女孩爭取網絡自由 (06/12/2021)
- Girls Fight for Women’s Online Freedom through Girls Takeover (06/12/2021)
- 月經不再是障礙 女孩不再徬徨 (07/12/2021)
- Menstruation Will No Longer Be a Curse to Nepali Girls (07/12/2021)
- 【希望之禮】分享聖誕喜悅 讓孩子疫中延續讀書夢 (07/12/2021)
- 【Gifts of Hope】Share Christmas Blessings to Keep Children in School Despite the Pandemic (07/12/2021)
- 「共享閃耀Shine Together」慈善數碼藝術展 — 讓女孩活出閃亮人生 (30/12/2021)
- 「共享閃耀Shine Together」慈善數碼藝術展 — 讓女孩活出閃亮人生 (30/12/2021)
- 名人大使支持「共享閃耀 Shine Together慈善數碼藝術展」 呼籲大眾支持女孩權益 (07/01/2022)
- 名人大使支持「共享閃耀 Shine Together慈善數碼藝術展」 呼籲大眾支持女孩權益 (07/01/2022)
- 首辦「共享閃耀 Shine Together慈善數碼藝術展」 結合慈善丶藝術丶投資創新概念獨特藝術品投資潛力無可限量 (07/01/2022)
- 首辦「共享閃耀 Shine Together慈善數碼藝術展」 結合慈善丶藝術丶投資創新概念 獨特藝術品投資潛力無可限量 (07/01/2022)
- Send Red Packets to Fight Gender Inequality & Alter Girls’ Lives (19/01/2022)
- 「疫」轉女孩人生:送上利是助女孩爭脫性別不平等枷鎖 (19/01/2022)
- 2021培幼鉛筆義賣大行動財務報告 (15/02/2022)
- 2021 Donate A Pencil Campaign Audit Report (15/02/2022)
- 三歲定八十 助幼兒身心健全發展 (16/02/2022)
- Help Children Take their First Step to Success Through Adequate Childcare Service (16/02/2022)
- The Wave of Highly Transmissible Omicron Drives a Surge in New Cases in India Disruption of Food Supply Chain Pushes Many Children to Suffer from Malnutrition (17/02/2022)
- 印度Omicron病毒持續肆虐 中斷糧食供應鏈 幼兒缺乏溫飽致營養不良 急需援助 (17/02/2022)
- 一個小女孩的故事 讓我們反思「全納教育」的推行實況 (23/02/2022)
- Story of a Little Girl: Reflect on the Implementation of Inclusive Education (23/02/2022)
- Children OF UKRAINE HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE IN PEACE, urges Plan international (25/02/2022)
- 培育女孩自主能力 迎向光明未來 (28/02/2022)
- Develop Girls’ Autonomy for a Bright Future (28/02/2022)
- 【緊急】烏俄衝突毀美好家庭 難民婦女孩子身心受創 (03/03/2022)
- Ukraine-Russia Conflicts Tear Families Apart and Leave Refugee Woman and Children Traumatised (03/03/2022)
- 疫境送暖砥礪前行—為本地基層兒童及家庭送上檢測包 (08/03/2022)
- Sharing Warmth during COVID – Distribution of Rapid Test Kits to Grassroots Children and Their Families (08/03/2022)
- Senior Youth Engagement and Education Officer (18/03/2022)
- Finance & Administration Manager (30/03/2022)
- Programme Officer (1 year term) (06/04/2022)
- 烏克蘭女性逃離戰火仍身陷險境 成性罪犯虎視眈眈的獵物 (14/04/2022)
- 國際培幼會榮獲多個獎項 推動兒童權益工作備受肯定 (20/04/2022)
- Escaping the War: Ukrainian Refugee Girls Become the Prey of Sexual Predators (21/04/2022)
- Senior Supporter Service Officer II (21/04/2022)
- 2022 Menstruation Friendly Movement (21/04/2022)
- Plan International Hong Kong Honored with Several Awards In Recognition of Its Efforts on Advancing Children’s Rights (03/05/2022)
- 「兒童留聲台第三期」公開招標 (04/05/2022)
- Tender Notice for ‘Voices of the Children Phase III’ (04/05/2022)
- 疫情無阻助養決心 27歲青年助養10個孩子 望為貧困兒童打破跨代貧窮 (05/05/2022)
- The Pandemic Hasn’t Stopped the Love A 27-Year-Old Youngster Hopes to Stop Intergenerational Poverty by Sponsoring 10 Children (11/05/2022)
- 拋開恐懼與歧視 尼泊爾女孩走出月經小屋 步向平等將來 (20/05/2022)
- Cast aside Fear and Discrimination: Nepali Girls Step out of Menstrual Huts and Embrace the Future of Equality (20/05/2022)
- Summer Intern, Programme Management (24/05/2022)
- 烏克蘭難民歸家無期 支援兒童及家長作長遠打算 (27/05/2022)
- No Way Home: Long Term Planning is Needed for Ukrainian Refugee Children and Caregivers (27/05/2022)
- Executive Manager (contract post) (02/06/2022)
- 香港五邑工商總會及國際培幼會《守護兒童政策》聯合發佈會 本港首批幼稚園率先簽訂20項守護兒童標準 免除兒童受虐 (26/06/2022)
- Joint-Press Conference on Child Safeguarding Policy by Five Districts Business Welfare Association & Plan International Hong Kong First Two Kindergartens in Hong Kong Signed 20 Child Safeguarding Standards to Protect Children from Abuses (26/06/2022)
- 國際培幼會「助養兒童計劃」易名通知 (07/07/2022)
- Renaming Announcement of Plan International Child Sponsorship Programme (07/07/2022)
- 【緊急】 災難性糧食危機席捲全球 2,600萬名兒童及女孩陷飢餓窘境 (12/07/2022)
- 【Emergency】A catastrophic hunger crisis has put 26 million children and girls on the brink of famine (12/07/2022)
- Girls Takeover 2022 – Application Form (21/07/2022)
- A chance for female leadership and to advocate for gender equality in the workplace: Apply for Girls Takeover 2022! (21/07/2022)
- A chance for female leadership and to advocate for gender equality in the workplace: Apply for Girls Takeover 2022! (21/07/2022)
- Girls Takeover 2022 – Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Application Form (21/07/2022)
- 葵涌兒童留聲台 「小小調查員」 成果發佈會 (25/07/2022)
- The 4th “Draw my Dreams” Drawing Competition (22/08/2022)
- 第四屆「童心追夢」繪畫比賽 (22/08/2022)
- 捱餓至死或掙扎求存 飢餓危機將女孩推向絕望深淵 (26/08/2022)
- Starving to death or struggling to survive, the Hunger Crisis pushes girls into an abyss of despair (26/08/2022)
- 守護兒童家長工作坊 第一節《親子ABC》 (08/09/2022)
- Immediate Action Needed To Protect Children From The Global Hunger Crisis (16/09/2022)
- 全球飢餓危機響警號 立即行動挽救數百萬兒童生命 (16/09/2022)
- 為受助孩子打打氣﹗Send Blessing to Your Sponsored Child! (19/09/2022)
- 為受助孩子打打氣﹗Send Blessing to Your Sponsored Child! (19/09/2022)
- 守護兒童家長工作坊 第二節《守護兒童 由家長開始》 (20/09/2022)
- 守護兒童家長工作坊 第三節《童言無「欺」 ?向欺凌說不》 (20/09/2022)
- 守護兒童家長工作坊 第四節《虐待兒童零容忍 建立兒童安全網》 (20/09/2022)
- 回應保良局虐兒事件 社署應採取「預防性監管」 鼓勵兒童相關機構訂立《守護兒童政策》 (27/09/2022)
- Response to Suspected Child Abuse in Residential Home Operated by Po Leung Kuk – SWD Should Implement Precautionary Supervision to Encourage Child-related Institutions to Set up Child Safeguarding Policy (27/09/2022)
- 不一樣的柬埔寨老師 單手撐起半邊天 (29/09/2022)
- 首屆「培幼關愛企業及基金會頒獎禮」圓滿舉行 攜手同行 為兒童及女孩開創閃耀人生 (30/09/2022)
- The First “Plan International Hong Kong Corporate and Foundation Appreciation Award Ceremony” Was Held Successfully. Together We Make Children’s And Girls’ Lives Fruitful And Shiny. (30/09/2022)
- An Unusual Teacher: Rewrites Her Life Story with One Arm (30/09/2022)
- 披上嫁衣 卻與幸福背道而馳 孟加拉女童11歲成爲人妻 難逃黯淡未來 (06/10/2022)
- A Far Cry from Blessed Marriage Becoming a Child Bride at 11 years old and Hopeless Future ahead (06/10/2022)
- Surging Child Marriage under the COVID-19 Pandemic Countless Girls in Bangladesh Are in Despair (06/10/2022)
- 疫情下童婚飆升 無數孟加拉女孩在劫難逃 兩16歲女孩經歷天壤之別的人生 (06/10/2022)
- 【國際女童日十年回顧】 改善女童權益進展緩慢 疫下多千萬女童面臨童婚威脅 2030年難全面消除童婚 (10/10/2022)
- A review of progress on the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl: More than 10 million girls are at risk of child marriage under COVID-19, with a struggle to eliminate child marriage by 2030. (10/10/2022)
- Two University Girls Joined Plan International's ‘Girls Takeover’, Took Over The Senior Management Roles And Met Up With The Representatives From The EU To Advocate For Gender Equality In The Workplace (10/10/2022)
- 兩大學生參與國際培幼會「Girls Take Over 女孩接管」活動 擔任高層職位 與本港歐盟代表見面 推動職場性別平等 (10/10/2022)
- “Donate a Pencil” Campaign 2022 – Writing a Bright Future with Children (13/10/2022)
- 支持培幼鉛筆義賣大行動 與孩子寫出精彩未來 (13/10/2022)
- 回應施政報告 強制舉報以外 守護兒童機制應作整體配合 (19/10/2022)
- Response to Policy Address 2022 - The Integration of Mandatory Reporting with Child Safeguarding Mechanism (19/10/2022)
- Assistant Supporter Service Manager (19/10/2022)
- System Analyst (19/10/2022)
- 客戶服務助理 (長期兼職)(只提供中文版本) (19/10/2022)
- 國際培幼會「培幼鉛筆義賣大行動」展開 冀大眾踴躍支持 籌款助孟加拉兒童改善學習環境 (21/10/2022)
- Plan International “Donate a Pencil” Campaign 2022 Opening Ceremony Your Support helps Write a Bright Future for Children (21/10/2022)
- 無間斷支持成就燦爛人生 前受助孩子蛻變成大學講師 (27/10/2022)
- A Lifetime of Support: From Sponsored Child to University Lecturer (27/10/2022)
- Plan International Hong Kong – Be a Change-maker 2023 (14/11/2022)
- 國際培幼會 - Be a Change-maker 2023 (14/11/2022)
- Empowering Girls Through Seed Grants Grow Businesses and Achieve Independence (22/11/2022)
- 種子基金助女孩創業 實現自主栽種女孩未來 (22/11/2022)
- 【緊急】 印尼西爪哇地震緊急救援 眾多兒童傷亡 災民急需您的援手 (24/11/2022)
- 【Emergency】Indonesia Earthquake Emergency Appeal Many Children Were Killed and Injured Survivors Need Your Urgent Help (24/11/2022)
- 【希望之禮】聖誕傳愛 實現孩子讀書夢 (09/12/2022)
- 【Gifts of Hope】Send Love in Christmas Change Children's Lives with Education (12/12/2022)
- Senior Officer, Research and Advocacy (19/12/2022)
- 承傳愛心‧童創未來 -「培幼Chit-Chat」支持者聚會2022 (20/12/2022)
- Supporter Gathering 2022 – Showing Your Continued Love and Care for Children’s Future (20/12/2022)
- 孟加拉貧民窟一廁難求 女孩冒險露天洗澡慘遭性騷擾 (21/12/2022)
- Taking A Bath In Slums Puts Girls At Risk Of Being Sexually Harassed (21/12/2022)
- Senior Programme Officer (13/01/2023)
- 【緊急】土耳其敘利亞地震緊急救援 近七萬人傷亡 災民極需您的支持 (07/02/2023)
- 【Emergency】 Devastating Earthquakes Hit Türkiye and Syria Over 70,000 Casualties and Urgent Help is needed for Victims (07/02/2023)
- 培幼鉛筆義賣大行動2022財務報告 (09/02/2023)
- Donate A Pencil Campaign 2022 Audit Report (09/02/2023)
- Run for Girls! 2023 Save Girls from Child Marriage (20/02/2023)
- 「愛 ‧ 女孩」起跑!2023 邁步拯救童婚女孩 (20/02/2023)
- 回應2023-24年度《財政預算案》公眾諮詢 - 增撥資源 協助兒童相關機構訂立「守護兒童政策」及提升兒童眼部健康 (20/02/2023)
- Response to The 2023-2024 Budget Public Consultation - Allocating More Resources to Assist Child-related Institutions Implement Child Safeguarding Policy and Improve Children’s Eye Health (21/02/2023)
- Under The Flames of Conflicts: Support Ukrainian Children Return to School and Rebuild Their Lives in A Safe Environment (23/02/2023)
- 支援烏克蘭兒童戰火下重返校園 危難中綻放笑容迎接新生活 (23/02/2023)
- 前受助孩子成為社區義工 以務農造就社區發展 (27/02/2023)
- From Sponsored Child to Community Volunteer – Making Changes on Community through Farming (27/02/2023)
- 被剝奪教育權和希望 賦權女孩以筆代劍奪回夢想 (27/02/2023)
- Banned from schools and robbed of hope, Empower Girls with Education to Recapture their Dreams (27/02/2023)
- Marketing Officer/Senior Marketing Officer (28/03/2023)
- 國際培幼會推出全港首套《幼稚園守護兒童實務守則》預防幼童受傷害 免費向全港幼稚園派發 提供三項全新網上證書課程 到校面授工作坊 (31/03/2023)
- Plan International Launched Hong Kong First “Kindergarten Child Safeguarding Practice Manual” to Kindergartens, Online Learning Platform Launch & On-site Workshops for Kindergartens To Foster Child Safeguarding Knowledge Among Child Related Personnel (31/03/2023)
- 項目社區年度更新報告 Programme Unit Annual Updates (04/04/2023)
- 平等機會委員會主席朱敏健先生出席 國際培幼會X Cosmopolitan「愛‧女孩」 起跑!活動 呼籲支持女孩權益 1,300名參加者邁步拯救童婚女孩 (13/04/2023)
- Mr. Ricky Chu, I.D.S., Chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission attended Plan International x Cosmopolitan “Run for Girls!” 2023 with 1,300 participants Calling for Support on Girls’ Rights and Anti-Child Marriage Projects in Bangladesh (13/04/2023)
- 1,300名男女參與「愛‧女孩」 起跑!邁步拯救童婚女孩 (13/04/2023)
- 1,300 Participants Support Run for Girls 2023, Save Girls From Child Marriage (13/04/2023)
- 上學不再是難事! 「安全學校」守護發展中國家孩子讀書夢 (17/04/2023)
- Going to School is No Longer Difficult Safe Schools Programme Fulfills Children’s Dream to Learn (17/04/2023)
- 逆轉女孩弱勢對抗氣候不公義 環境教育刻不容緩 (25/04/2023)
- Invest in Girls to be Agents of Change and Build Resilience to Climate Injustice (25/04/2023)
- 土敘地震受災人民身心俱損 長遠支持兒童及家庭重獲正常生活 (25/04/2023)
- Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes Destroyed Thousands of Lives Long-term Support for Affected Children and Families (25/04/2023)
- 孟加拉女孩初經來潮身心受限 歡慶月經打破禁忌與迷信 (15/05/2023)
- From Period Shaming to Celebrating: Help Bangladeshi Girls Break Menstruation Taboos and Superstitions (15/05/2023)
- 回應「強制舉報虐兒機制」規定之建議 懷疑虐待兒童個案強制舉報規定意見書 (16/05/2023)
- Response to The Proposal on Mandatory Reporting for Suspected Child Abuse Cases (16/05/2023)
- Escalating Conflict in Sudan Left About 2.5 million People Displaced, Refugees are in Urgent Need of Water and Food (23/05/2023)
- 【緊急】蘇丹衝突致近250萬人流離失所 苦陷缺水缺糧絕境亟待救援 (23/05/2023)
- 受虐兒童出現精神問題風險增6倍 及早預防守護兒童刻不容缓 (09/06/2023)
- Child Abuse Heightens Chances of Mental Problem by 6 Times Take Precautionary Steps for Child Safeguarding (12/06/2023)
- 捐助者無間斷捐助 逆轉受助兒童一家命運 (27/06/2023)
- How Ongoing Support from Child Sponsors Transformed the Lives of Sponsored Children and Their Families (27/06/2023)
- 捐助者無間斷支持 泰國清萊社區得以脫貧自立 無數兒童生命得到改變 (27/06/2023)
- With Sponsors’ Continuous Support Achieved Self-Reliance and Transformed Countless Lives of Children in Chiang Rai, Thailand (27/06/2023)
- 國際培幼會(香港)歡迎新任董事局主席梁賀琪女士 (03/07/2023)
- Plan International Hong Kong Welcomes Ms. June Leung as the New Board Chair (03/07/2023)
- 余翠華:如果當年我沒有得到幫助…… (11/07/2023)
- Dolly Yu: If I hadn’t Gotten the Support… (11/07/2023)
- Girls Take Over 2022 : University Girls Fight For Equal Power through Taking Over Senior Management Roles (13/07/2023)
- Girls Takeover 2023 - Application Form (20/07/2023)
- Apply for Girls Takeover 2023 Take Over the General Manager Role of Kimberly-Clark Hong Kong Ltd.! (25/07/2023)
- 婚禮前臨危舉報逃離童婚厄運 我的人生,我的選擇! (26/07/2023)
- It’s My Life, My Choice: I Called off My Child Marriage Right before the Wedding (26/07/2023)
- 兒童不止有權利,更能力參與社區事務! (14/08/2023)
- 從穆斯林男童受傷事件 反思普及「守護兒童」文化的必要性 (15/08/2023)
- Abuse at Madrassa Reflects the Importance to Popularise the Culture of Child Safeguarding in Hong Kong (17/08/2023)
- 【氣候糧食危機緊急救援】 孩子挨餓乏力上學 女孩步向童婚夢想破滅 (18/08/2023)
- 【Climate & Hunger Crisis Emergency Appeal】 Starvation is pushing Children and Girls into the abyss of dropping-out and Child Marriage (18/08/2023)
- Assistant Supporter Services Officer (25/08/2023)
- 虐兒個案顯著上升 加強家長及兒童之「守護兒童」意識刻不容緩 (25/08/2023)
- Not Only Do Children Enjoy Rights But They Also Have the Ability to Participate in Social Affairs! (29/08/2023)
- 機構懷疑虐兒事件頻生 「守護兒童政策」應儘早訂立 (30/08/2023)
- 感謝您,與我們攜手在社交媒體上守護受助孩子 (30/08/2023)
- Thank you! Together We Safeguard Your Sponsored Child on Social Media (30/08/2023)
- Plan International “Donate a Pencil for Girls” Campaign Spreading Love with A Pencil Keeping Girls in School (19/09/2023)
- 培幼「愛‧女孩」鉛筆義賣大行動 一同以「筆」傳愛 成就女孩上學夢 (19/09/2023)
- 唐詩詠初訪孟加拉 深受貧困女孩殷切求學心感動 (25/09/2023)
- New Wave Of #Metoo Movement: Protect Girls’ Bodily Autonomy and Eliminate Sexual Violence (26/09/2023)
- #MeToo 浪潮再起 性騷擾為何無處不在? 捍衛女孩身體自主 從根源杜絕性暴力文化 (26/09/2023)
- 第二屆「培幼合作夥伴頒獎禮」圓滿舉行 攜手並肩 逆轉弱勢兒童及女孩命運 (26/09/2023)
- The Second "Plan International Hong Kong Partner Awards Ceremony" Was Successfully Held. Together We Uplift the Lives of Underprivileged Children and Girls (26/09/2023)
- 貧民窟女孩悲苦尋夢路 加緊步伐助女孩逃離貧窮魔咒 (04/10/2023)
- Underprivileged Girls Struggle to Live Up to Their Dreams: Speed Up Our Efforts to Help Girls Escape From Poverty (05/10/2023)
- 倡全面強化兒童保護機制 增兒童發聲渠道 (25/10/2023)
- 【Gaza Crisis Urgent Appeal】 Countless Children Suffer in Conflict Your Immediate Action Helps Save Precious Lives (25/10/2023)
- 【加沙人道危機緊急救援】 戰火下大量無辜兒童受害 即時伸出援手拯救寶貴性命 (25/10/2023)
- Assistant Marketing Manager (Event Management) (10/11/2023)
- 國際培幼會「愛‧女孩」鉛筆義賣大行動圓滿結束 大眾踴躍支持 善款幫助孟加拉女童延續讀書夢 (17/11/2023)
- Plan International Hong Kong “Donate a Pencil for Girls” Campaign Held Successfully Gathered Concerted Efforts to Keep Girls in Schools (17/11/2023)
- 女大學生接管高層職位 走進校園、與企業職員會面推動月經平權 (01/12/2023)
- University Girl Took Over Senior Management Role Promote Period Equality in Organisation and School (01/12/2023)
- 從小培養助人善心 梁志瑩與李元元及李斐斐助貧童圓夢 (08/12/2023)
- Donor Gathering 2023 - Thank YOU for your support! (19/12/2023)
- 感謝踴躍支持!捐助者年度聚會2023 (19/12/2023)
- 貧母承錐心之痛將女兒逐一出嫁 童婚宿命代代相傳如何打破? (20/12/2023)
- A Child Marriage Victim Married Off Her Daughters One By One. How Can We Break The Intergenerational Cycle Of Child Marriage? (20/12/2023)
- 由孩子「發辦」 讓兒童於社區留聲 「孩子發辦」兒童留聲台社區參與計劃成果展開幕禮 (10/01/2024)
- A Closer Look: Cultivating Hope for Children in MEESA Region Amidst Hunger, Climate Change, Displacement, Child Marriage, Poverty, and Unemployment (19/01/2024)
- 深入訪談:扶持非洲孩子戰勝飢餓、氣候變化、流離失所、童婚、貧窮與失業等重重挑戰 (19/01/2024)
- 唐詩詠訪孟加拉跨代童婚家庭 籲助女孩圓夢中斷惡性循環 (23/01/2024)
- Re-building Lives from the Rubbles Syria Emergency Appeal 1 Year Updates (25/01/2024)
- 從瓦礫中重建人生 土耳其敘利亞地震一年工作匯報 (25/01/2024)
- Embark on the Journey of Self-Discovery Girls Takeover is a Valuable Chance for You (25/01/2024)
- 「愛 ‧ 女孩」起跑!2024 踏破童婚枷鎖 (01/02/2024)
- Run for Girls! 2024 Free Girls from Child Marriage (01/02/2024)
- Hunger Forces Somali Families to Sell their Daughters into Marriage (05/02/2024)
- 飢餓正迫使索馬里家庭將年輕的女兒推向童婚命運 (05/02/2024)
- 賦權女學生接管企業高層職位 推動性別平等提倡關注「月經貧窮」及「月經羞辱」 (21/02/2024)
- 加快步伐訂立「守護兒童政策」 防止兒童於學校或體育機構遭受性暴力 (26/02/2024)
- 項目社區年度更新報告 Programme Unit Annual Updates (14/03/2024)
- 【加沙人道危機緊急救援】 饑荒迫在眉睫 無數孩子挨餓急需援助 (25/03/2024)
- 【Gaza Crisis Urgent Appeal】 Famine is Imminent and Countless Children Suffering from Starvation are in Urgent Need of Your Help (25/03/2024)
- 兒童參與工作坊:我和狗狗有個約會+繪本遊樂場 [捐助者專場活動] (08/04/2024)
- Children's Participation Workshops: A Date with Doggy + Picturebook Makerland [Donor Exclusive] (08/04/2024)
- Run for Girls! 2024 Event Reminder (10/04/2024)
- 「愛 ‧ 女孩」起跑!2024 活動指引 (10/04/2024)
- 財政司司長暨國際培幼會前受助人陳茂波先生出席「愛‧女孩」 起跑!活動呼籲支持女童權益 近1,900名參加者邁步踏破童婚枷鎖 (15/04/2024)
- Mr. Paul Chan, the Financial Secretary cum Plan International’s ex-beneficiary attended “Run for Girls” 2024 Calling for Support to Girls Rights Close to 1,900 Participants Joined the Run to Free Girls from Child Marriage (15/04/2024)
- 項目社區年度更新報告 Programme Unit Annual Update (22/04/2024)
- 親身造訪的意義——培幼會捐助者柬埔寨探訪之旅2024 (25/04/2024)
- A Journey of Impact Beyond Donations: Sponsor Group Visit to Cambodia 2024 (25/04/2024)
- 發佈全港首個追蹤性兒童參與監察與評估研究報告 展示本地化的兒童參與實踐模式需具備的元素 (29/04/2024)
- The Launching of Hong Kong's First Longitudinal Study Research on Child Participation Stipulated the Crucial Elements of Implementing a localized Child Participatory Model (29/04/2024)
- Senior Partnership Officer (09/05/2024)
- 胡定欣訪埃塞俄比亞窺探駭人割禮習俗 痛心女孩承受終生創傷 (17/05/2024)
- 割禮一刀毀終生 女孩身心嚴重受創 (03/06/2024)
- A Brutal Cut Creates Lifelong Trauma and Destroys a Girl’s Life (04/06/2024)
- Donor Development Officer (07/06/2024)
- 機構虐兒屢屢發生 《守護兒童政策》是唯一出路 (13/06/2024)
- Bride-Kidnapping Pushed a 12-Year-Old Girl into Darkness Desperate to Flee Her Living Nightmare (17/07/2024)
- 12歲少女遭搶婚成人妻 多番掙脫欲逃離悲慘生活 (17/07/2024)
- Girls Takeover 2024 Application Form (24/07/2024)
- 「女孩接管」2024現正接受報名 (25/07/2024)
- Girls Takeover 2024 is Open for Application Now! (25/07/2024)
- 【加沙人道危機緊急救援】戰火延燒至黎巴嫩 拯救生命刻不容緩 (25/07/2024)
- 【Gaza Crisis Urgent Appeal】Conflict Escalating in Lebanon, Urgently Need Your Help To Save Lives (25/07/2024)
- A Doctor's Rape and Murder Case Triggered Nationwide Anger in India, Cease Sexual Violence From Its Roots (16/08/2024)
- 印度女醫生遭姦殺引發全國示威 從根源杜絕性暴力悲劇 (16/08/2024)
- 「以教育和技能賦權女孩」項目助孟加拉女孩以知識改變命運 拯救童婚女孩 給予健康安全的學習環境 (29/08/2024)
- “Empower Girls through Education and Skill” in Bangladesh, A Safe Haven for Girls to Pursue Their Dreams and Break Free from Child Marriage (29/08/2024)
- 培幼「愛‧女孩」鉛筆義賣大行動2024 - 終結人口販賣 改寫女孩未來 (09/10/2024)
- Plan International “Donate a Pencil for Girls” Campaign 2024 - End Human Trafficking, Rewrite Girls’ Future (09/10/2024)
- 黃智雯首訪尼泊爾 親聽驚心動魄人口販賣故事 (09/10/2024)
- 少女被販賣慘遭性剝削17年 打擊人口販賣刻不容緩 (16/10/2024)
- Trafficked Girl Endured 17 Years of Sexual Exploitation;Act Now to End Human Trafficking (17/10/2024)
- 衝突升級威脅無數兒童生命 加沙人道危機一年工作報告 (21/10/2024)
- Escalated Conflict Threatens the Lives of Countless Children Gaza Crisis Urgent Appeal One-Year Report (28/10/2024)
- 港大女生「接管」本地院線高層 策劃香港亞洲電影節及線上電影頻道節目 映後對談嘉賓最佳女配角梁雍婷x旅遊作家伍珩 以電影力量為戰火下的女孩發聲 (29/10/2024)
- HKU Female Student “Took Over” Senior Position of Local Cinema Circuit In Conversation with Award-Winning Actress Rachael Leung and Travel Writer Angel Ng Voicing out for Girls in Conflicts with Power of Movies (29/10/2024)
- "Cultivating an Inclusive and Sustainable Future" Panel Discussion Brings Industry Leaders Together, Joining Forces to Promote Equality for Vulnerable Children and Girls (30/10/2024)
- 「創建共融及可持續發展未來研討會」匯聚各界翹楚 攜手為弱勢兒童及女孩促進平等未來 (30/10/2024)
- 「愛環境 ‧ 愛女孩」閒置衣飾義賣大行動2024 (28/11/2024)
- "Save Our Planet, Save Our Girls” Idle Clothing and Accessories Charity Sale 2024 (28/11/2024)
- 感謝沿途有您!國際培幼會(香港)15周年X捐助者年度聚會2024 (19/12/2024)
- Thank You for Being With Us! 15th Anniversary X Annual Donor Gathering 2024 (19/12/2024)