In Memory of Mr. CHUN, Tak Chiu Ricky
Honouring His Legacy, Lighting Up the Lives of Underprivileged Children

Mr. CHUN, Tak Chiu Ricky (秦德超先生) was a former beneficiary of Plan International (Hong Kong) many years ago when he was a child. The condolence gifts from his funeral will be donated to Plan International (Hong Kong) according to his wishes, to continue his love and transform the lives of disadvantaged children.

Your donation in loving memory of Mr. Chun will contribute to the Plan with Children Programme which is dedicated to supporting children in need in both developing countries and Hong Kong, to ensure children can have access to food and shelter and receive education in a safe environment.

If you would like to express your gratification in the memory of Mr. Chun, please make a donation directly to Plan International with remark 「EB2024」 in honour of Mr. Chun,  through the following methods:

  1. Online Credit Card:
    Please use this link for donation:
  2. *Bank Direct Transfer
    Please make a direct deposit into HSBC account number 640-068318-838, mark 「EB2024」 in the remark section electronically or by hand on the bank slip. Please then send a screenshot/ a photo of the transaction details to Plan International Hong Kong through email or mail.
  3. *PayMe
    Please scan the QR code or the link below for donation, mark 「EB2024」 in PayMe message box, send a screenshot of the transaction details to Plan International Hong Kong through email or mail.

*Please send the original bank receipt/a screenshot/ a photo of the donation transaction details together with your name, telephone number and email address to Plan International Hong Kong by mail or email with the attention of Charlene Lau and indicate if you need an official receipt. Email: [email protected] Address: 21/F, 9 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong (Attn: Ms Charlene Lau) Tel:3405-5342

悼念秦德超先生—傳承他的善心 照亮弱勢兒童的生命

秦德超先生(Mr. CHUN, Tak Chiu Ricky)多年前曾是國際培幼會(香港)的受助兒童,故希望回饋培幼會的慈善工作。喪禮的帛金將按照他的意願捐贈予國際培幼會(香港),以延續他的愛心,讓更多弱勢兒童得到改寫命運的機會。



  1. 網上信用卡捐款
  2. 銀行轉賬*
  3. PayMe*
    請掃描以下二維碼(QR code)捐款或以此連結 捐款,並於PayMe訊息欄填寫捐款者資料(姓名、聯絡電話及電郵地址) ,並註明「EB2024」及將捐款資料截圖以電郵或郵寄方式傳送給培幼會。

*如需要正式收據,請將銀行入數紙正本 /捐款詳情的截圖,並註明「EB2024」,連同捐款者資料(英文姓名、聯絡電話及電郵地址),電郵([email protected])或郵寄(地址:香港九龍觀塘創業街9號21樓)至國際培幼會 Ms. Charlene Lau收。